Scratch built T-80 tank

This is a tank I stated a while ago and ran into a snag. Resolution of the snag began to stretch out in time so I started my Su-12 and the T-80 went on the back burner.But the Su-12 is nearly done, the snag was resolved and now I am slowly focussing back on this.

It will be a 1:16 T-80 light tank in metal. I like this because:

  1. It was perhaps the only tank that could shoot aircraft with the cannon due to high elevation
  2. It has loads of doodahs on the hull
  3. I like the “broken neck” look of the offset turret.

Biggest problem is going to be tracks but I am no rivet counter so I will figure it out.

The above is my start point regarding angles and so on.

Crazy elevation on the cannon!

Here are the hull sidewalls cut out:

All in 1.2mm mild steel plate.

And here is progress on the hull itself:

I will use bevel gears and I had to make those. I think they will be OK.

Now in teh hull with the suspension racks and swing arms visible:

The turret was handy…all straight bits and handy angle things to cover up my shoddy soldering technique.
Not 100% detail wise but good enough for me.

The hatch on the top had to open to allow me to join the turret to whatever motor I stick under it.

And that was where I left it. Actually looking forward to getting back at it as I think it is a nice tank.



wow … very impressive

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Another incredible metal scratch build!


If I tried soldering that I would end up with something that looks like it had been microwaved!

Now that I finished my Su-12 I came back to my T-80.

Spent a bit of time sorting out the hull. Not happy with the bulge on the front - had to use Milliput - but it will just have to do. The real thing was fairly crude in reality.

Then I installed my suspension. Its fairly soft and “dainty” but the tank is-currently-light.

Then I painted it my standard issue gun metal to cover the rust.

And I made some wheels and idlers (same thing!)…

Then I had to deal with the tracks.
The T-80 uses some weird double toothed track with a single row of teeth on the sprocket engaging in the middle.

The only two toothed track I know of is the Sherman. So I got some metal ones. Then I filed, ground, Dremeled and sanded off the chevron things. Then I made a little jig and drilled a hole in the dead centre of each link. Tedious work. The aim is not so much to produce a T-80 track, but to produce any track that works and that doesnt stink of Sherman.

Then the sprockets wouldnt fit correctly. So I ground off the back of the sprocket until I had just a disk of teeth left.

Then I adjusted the teeth spacing with a file. Then I mounted that disk between two steel “rims”, checked that the “sprocket” was running true, then bolted the two “rims” together ending up with a rudimentary sprocket with a central row of teeth.

They need some finessing and a means of getting them on the drive shaft but that shoul dbe OK.

They engage nicely with the tracks at any rate.

Now I just have to figure out Motor mounts.



After more months than I am proud to admit and after having made more trips between the bench and the shelf than is healthy, I finished off this T-80 once and for all. Some paint touch ups and maybe some filler here and there but that is it. And I may not bother at all. Not perfect by any stretch but entirely impossible to purchase in this scale so its unique if nothing else.


Lars, that’s an exquisitely skillfull scratch build! Magnificent!

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