Sd.Kfz.251/3 IV Ausf D

Day 15

Started work on the 9m telescopic mast and is 27.7 cm long.

This has tried my brain today. I need to make rings for each section (white evergreen) and I am at an impasse how to manufacture more. The one I built is 3mm diameter which I bent around a jig. I tried doing a 2mm one but the evergreen would break. I suppose I either have to use brass tubing or evergreen tubing?

The crank mechanism housing will fit somewhere between the two brass rings (which need to be soldered). I don’t exactly know where the final position will be yet, I need to do more eyeball measurements.


I’m looking forward to seeing this at the end.

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Mate this may or may not be of assistance but I use lots of bits of electrical wires for different things. The ones with the plastic coat around them.

For rings of different sizes I use electrical wires with the plastic on, cut it to the size of the ring desired, pull the wire out and use the rings. Different size wires gives different sized rings. Eg;


Sam, thanks for the tip, a very novel idea.


Day 16

I figured a solution by cutting brass tubing and CA it all together. I was going to construct it so I could raise and lower the mast, however I thought it may become problematic later.

I need to do some filing to shape the cable blocks a bit better but will wait until the CA is cured. At least now it is starting to resemble a telescoping mast.


Nice job


Thanks Dan.


what did you use for the white thingys ( are they the cable blocks ) and how will you do the rigging, using the cut out wire insulation that was suggested? And show us how the crank and spool will be made. I’m thinking of doing something similar.


Hey Jack, yes they are the cable blocks. I used Evergreen for both the blocks and 3mm half round. For tubing, I started with 3mm x .225mm and reduced the tubing size until .5mm. I did not use the wire insulation as I cut larger diameter tubing for the cable block.

For the rigging I will use .25mm EZ Line from Berkshire Junction. This is the spool I will attempt to recreate.

I will keep you posted on my progress.


Very nice work on the mast. Looks good.


Interesting subject, will follow! Nice job


Day 17

I did some more work on the mast today. I shaped the blocks, mast support(s) that attaches to the halftrack and mast, and crankcase (I should have taken a side pic to show the shape).

There is still much more to do and figure out. I have to finesse out the clamps and bolts. I am happy how it is coming along.


That’s an impressive piece of scratch building! A+++

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Thanks Wade, I appreciate that.

Edit: BTW the DSPIAE circle maker works wonderfully as long as the plastic is no thicker than .5mm. I stacked 6 small cutouts and glued them to the H beam. I do need a way better punch set though.


Details looking great and I really like your scratch building.