Sd.Kfz. 254 interior build

Haha, yeah, lack of space means scrapped for spares after diorama completed.


Who do you sell to?

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I’ve sold a few on eBay. I also used to belong to a collectors’ group and I sold a few to other members who were more into the collecting and less into the building.

You won’t get your full value back as it is hard to make others pay for the fun you had, but generally you can get back kit cost and materials used on a decent build. Which you can turn into another kit.


How big is your space? I currently have 130 1/35 builds in my 10’x12’ office which doubles as my virtual classroom and library.

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Can’t imagine how you could ship an intricate diorama to a purchaser, even in a display case; it would have to be collected or hand-delivered???

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A diorama does raise its own set of issues, true. Third-party delivery is risky as their drivers don’t know or care what’s in the box. Pick-up only works if you’re in a sizeable city as well or close enough to drive in. I’ve had to deal with Atlanta traffic a couple of times to pick up large items that would have been costly to ship the 38 miles to my house.

But if any of the vehicles can be easily removed from the diorama, they could be sold individually and it’s up to the buyer to make a fitting base.

Selling isn’t always the easiest way but anything to keep more plastic out of the landfill – and when so much effort and talent is evident it seems a waste to just toss it.

No family who would be interested in taking it off your hands or could be tricked into being interested?


(Sorry Jeremy we’re hijacking the thread)

A variation on this theme – years ago a military bookshop opened in Sydney, imagine all the model-making reference books you’d ever want in the noughties/early teens and then some. I got to know the co-owner after I’d spent some serious money there. Turned out he had a shopping list of models he wanted building (and he bought them), and I had a shopping list of other books he either had in stock or could order.

For several years it was a beautiful friendship where we both got what we wanted, and it didn’t cost me a further cent to make a great reference library. Alas he went bust eventually, can’t imagine why… :thinking:


You should have suggested he sell some of the kits…


Hah! Maybe he did…in which case I’m the net loser after all!


Thanks for all the interesting comments. I’ve given a couple of dioramas away to a guy who was interested.
My study/workroom is 3 metres by 2 metres and I have 2 dioramas I couldn’t part with remaining on display. I’ve kept some vehicles for future projects but most have been to the wreckers yard! My stash takes up half the wardrobe…
I dunno, but for me, once it’s built and photographed, I see it as the end and just another step towards improving my skills. I guess I enjoy the creative process most and when a vehicle is done, it’s in the past.
I can’t be bothered selling online at the moment but I think it’s a thing for me to consider down the track, so thanks for that.


Similar for me, no space to keep dioramas but even when I did, they just collected dust if I couldn’t re-model them, so what was the point of keeping ‘em? Got the photos.

As for kits, instead of a stash I keep the best in a couple of display cases. Avert your eyes if of a sensitive disposition - after a previous move I dumped around 20 models built during the 90’s, mainly Normandy era UK/US AFVs. Like you I saw them as my modelmaking re-education after returning to the hobby, mostly OOB’s and while again I still have photos of them I’d be embarrassed to show them.