Selling my hudge m113 and variant collect

Hi to all friends members
I am a french modeler collecting and building M113 models since more than 20 years and was active member on the old forum for all m113 subjects
I am retired and was a famous model maker of 1/43 racing car models so experienced in building , painting and doing scratch built projects
Unfortunatly my family life have been “stormed” recently and I need to sale my collect

For sale Huge Built Models collect of M113 and variants from all countries army. More than 150 models available ; absolutely professionally built and rare , 80/100 of these models are scratch builts or using very rare kits and convertions ( out of stock for years)
Most of the models are carefully painted and weathered , some very rare ones are totally built but need primer and paint ( this is up to every one to achieve them as they wish)
Each of the 150 models includes a documented file explaining in details what this model represents ( country and type of variant ) with many pictures of the model being done and finished
Can be bought also by batches with large discount if the batch is interesting for both vendor and seller
Prices will be very very low due to the urgency to recover some money to affort big medical expences arriving soon in my family ( Beloved wife cancer progressing !!)

Every model will be treated for shipping very very carefully not to suffer any damage in travelling
speciall if crossing the pond
I am an old (77 years old) Pro modeller and know how frustrating is to receive broken parts so will be very very cautionous on packing
All non painted prebuild models are done with wheels and tracks( every track reprensent the realty so each is a specific brand or 3D printed !!) removable so painting will be as you usually do at home ( sometime I will add spares and bonus to the boxes to thanks the sale)
apologise to be so long but I really need to sale and clear the collect to get some money on those hard days
At the moment on a modeller french forum the admin ( friend of mine is posting pictures of the collect and every single model detailed
but soonl I will also advertise thru EBay

I will publish here for first the long list of the models
feel free for those interested to ask any more information for watever model

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Hi again
This is the link to the friendly french forum who is helping me to sell my collect ;

and below this is the long list of what is avaible in the collect ;
Listing des M113

78 of this list are Fully finished , Accuratly painted and wheathered

1/ M577 Police Calhoun
2/ M113 Police Doraville
3/ M113 Police Italienne
4/ M113 Police Lexena
5/ M577 Police Tampa
6/ Lanceur Rapier
7/ M548 Tourelle Duster
8/ M113 Tourelle Monotube Argentine
9/ M113 Al Hamza
10/ M113 Libannais Zu 23/2
11/ M113 Italien Sidam
12/ M113 Liban Quadri
13/ M113 Turc Quadri Maxson
14/ XM 1108
15/ M113 Taiwan
16/ M113 FSV
17/ M113 tourelle Lav 150
18/ M113 Garde présidentielle Philippines
19/ M113 tourelle LAV 25
20/ M113 Tourelle Bradley
21/ M113 Tourelle / Scorpion
22/ M113 Suisse Spécial
23/ M 113 Suisse Standard
24/ M901
25/ M113 FISTV
26/ M 113 Arisgator
27/ M548 refueler
28/ M113 EIFV Egypte
29/ M113 Giraffe
30/ M727 Hawk
31/ M752
32/ YPR TUA Egypte
34/ M752 Sans grue
35/ M113 Allemagne EFGTA0
36/ M113 Bundesweir EFT
37/ M577 Bundesweir
38/ M548 Scorpion
39/ M113 Beobashung
40/ M113 A2G
41/ M113 Radio
42/ M113 Radar ABRA
43/ M113 IDF Kasman 2
44/ M113 Meshupar
45/ M 548 Chaparal
46/ M548 Shilem
47/ M113 Chataf
48/ M113 Classical
49/ M113 RCWS
50/ M113 Zelda
51/ M 113 IDF commandement
52/ M577 Blindages spéciaux IDF
53/ M113 HVMS
54/ M113 Fitter
55/ M113 Macbet
56/ M113 LAV
57/ M113 Démineur danois
58/ M509 Fumigéne
59/ M113 Tua
60/ M113 ADATS
61/ M113 Prison
62/ M113 truck
63/ M548 QUAD
64/ M113 démineur canadien Viper
65/ AS4 Australie
66/ AS4 transport Australie
67/ M113 waran ambulance
68/ M113 G3 EXT
69/ M 113 Police Kalhoun
70/ M113 NASA
71/ CM 21
72/ K 200
73/ K 242 mortier
74/ K263 Vulcan
75/ M577 Lybie
76/ M548 Sufflae
77/ M548 Avenger
78/ M113 Démineur Suisse
79/ M113 Démineur Australien
80/ YPR 765
81/ M548 Vietnam Réservoir
83/ M 132
84/ KIFV Proto Tourelle LAV
85/ M113 Australie
86/ M 113 A1
87/ M577
88/ M113 ACAV
89/ M548
90/ M106 Mortier
91/ M113 danois ONU
92/ M113 Pnmk
93/ M113 PNMK Blindage latéral
94/ YPR milan
95/ M113 Vulcan
96/ M113 A2 Gulf war
97/ Al Quaswa
98/ XM 734
99/ M106 Allemagne
100/ M577 six roues Nasa
101/ M113 Tlav
102/ M113 Giat
103/ M113 Mortier 120mm Amos
104/ CM21 tourelle VBCI
105/ M113 philipines Scorpion
106/ M 113 Raphael Blindage spécial
107/ M113 NASA incendie
108/ M113 Green archer
109/ VCC1 Italie
110/ M113 Ecole de conduite Allemagne
111/ YPR 765 Ecole de conduite Pays bas
112/ VCC2 Camilino
113/ VCZ Espagnol
114/ M113 Chili avec oerlikon
115/ M577 Police LAKELAND
116/ M113 canadien tarière
117/ M113 Lybien tourelle ec90
118/ M113 MTVE Canadien 6 roues avec tarière
119/ M113 de Barhein avec blindage Cara Duchatelet
120/ M113 armée danoise avec grue et blindage latéral
121/ YPR 806 PRG des sapeurs de l’armée Danoise
122/ M113 Armée Italienne tour de surveillance basse (Altana1)
123/ M113 Armée Italienne tour de surveillance haute (Altana2)
124/ M113 Armée Italienne avec radar Shorar
125/ M113 IDF Armée Israélienne avec radar RJ 101
126/ M113 armée allemande porteur de snorkel léopard
127/ M548 Volcano
128/ M113 Oto Melara porte munitions type 1
129/ M113 Oto melara porte-conteneur
130/ VCC 1 TUA du Moyen orient
131/ M 113 Atilgan
132/ M113 Hellfire
133/ M113 proto futur type Stug
134/ YPR Atilgan
135/ M113 poseur de pont
136/ M113 IDF lance missile Tamuz
137/ M577 IDF
138/ M113 Oto Melara porte munition type 2 avec grue
139/ M113 des sapeurs Armée belge avec treuil
140/ Radar de l’opération M474 Pershing (finir déco verte et rouge)
141/ M474 Pershing vertical
142/ M474 Pershing horizontal
143/ M474 radar embarqué
144/ M474 remplissage
145/ M474 transport caisson ogive
146/ M474 chargement avec cric
147/ M113 Istrice

Those 45 are carefully prebuild ready to paint (( amny convertions are exhausted!!))

31/ M752
32/ YPR TUA Egypte
34/ M752 Sans grue
36/ M113 Bundesweir EFT
39/ M113 Beobashung
40/ M113 A2G
41/ M113 Radio
42/ M113 Radar ABRA
58/ M509 Fumigéne
59/ M113 Tua
60/ M113 ADATS
63/ M548 QUAD
64/ M113 démineur canadien Viper
65/ AS4 Australie
66/ AS4 transport Australie
71/ CM 21
72/ K 200
73/ K 242 mortier
74/ K263 Vulcan
71/ CM 21
72/ K 200
73/ K 242 mortier
74/ K263 Vulcan
76/ M548 Sufflae
78/ M113 Démineur Suisse
80/ YPR 765
83/ M 132
84/ KIFV Proto Tourelle LAV
90/ M106 Mortier
95/ M113 Vulcan
99/ M106 Allemagne
102/ M113 Giat
104/ CM21 tourelle VBCI
105/ M113 philipines Scorpion
109/ VCC1 Italie
110/ M113 Ecole de conduite Allemagne
111/ YPR 765 Ecole de conduite Pays bas
121/ YPR 806 PRG des sapeurs de l’armée Danoise
127/ M548 Volcano
131/ M 113 Atilgan
135/ M113 poseur de pont
139/ M113 des sapeurs Armée belge avec treuil
141/ M474 Pershing vertical
142/ M474 Pershing horizontal
146/ M474 chargement avec cric
144/ M474 remplissage
145/ M474 transport caisson ogive
143/ M474 radar embarqué

This is also the link where I already started to advertise some convertions and accessories ; so you have my Ebay contact
More spare kits at low price coming today and soonly prebuilt and built models too
Of course if some members are interested reading the list and the frech forum files just contact me and we will do direct deals at intersting prices …before advertising them on Ebay

Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your issues, hope things turn around. It is an impressive collection of kits.

thanks alot for your kind message ; if you want to help just advertise everywhere possible with links so I can sell this collect as soon as possible due to the urgent need of finance …
Best regards , God bless you

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Hi to all nice members
Today I started to list on EBAY some of the rare and nice built models at (I guess) very very reasonable price ; hope some of you will be interested by acquiring very very nice and rare M113 modhttps:

Hi to all members
the finished build models fully painted collect is now SOLD
thanks to a french collector all finished models in one batch are gone
remain for sale a few non painted , onlyy prebuild models with very rare convertions or scratch build ones
any one interested i can sennd a list and pictures
thanks to all for your help