I really should get a brain. But they’re so expensive. I obviously missed the “metallic” part when buying the paint. It’ll be useful for something I’m sure.
I have some Tamiya, and like I said, I just should not be afraid to use it.
I really should get a brain. But they’re so expensive. I obviously missed the “metallic” part when buying the paint. It’ll be useful for something I’m sure.
I have some Tamiya, and like I said, I just should not be afraid to use it.
I used Panda Plastics T-51 tracks when I built my M10 (same model of tracks on the M4A1). Very satisfied with the end result. Plus Panda Plastics offer the “Duckbill” grousers that are compatible with for all their Sherman track offderings.
That looks great! Those are the Pandas? Great on the duckbills. Looking for tracks I saw a lot of different brand duckbills advertized and was always instantly fooled for a sec: “tracks for only $5!?!!!”
The interior is quite nice. Maybe one day I’ll try. I have some things to finish before my wife will let me even start the Sherman (although I started on the figure!).
Nice to have a first hand review of the Panda tracks. I toyed with the idea of 3D printing my own, but I don’t think I’m quite up for the end caps yet and I don’t know about the tolerance for press fit. It would be version 78 and then throw away as I ordered an aftermarket set. I skipped to the end.
I’m looking at a super simple dio, too. I always over complicate things.
I like the Panda plastic tracks; they’re styrene plastic and can be easily assembled. They have a myriad of track choices for VVSS Shermans, American and British/Commonwealth included. both new and worn tracks, plus “skeleton” tracks - tracks where the rubber has completely worn off, which are perfect if you plan to build a burned-out Sherman tank diorama.
The skeleton tracks sound interesting. A burnt out Sherman would be cool (or hot)… You could use that clear resin stuff for windows and fill in/glob parts of the skeleton shoes like burnt rubber, although I have no idea if even any rubber would survive a fire.
I think a British jumbo might be interesting in the future.
Someone (here? track link?) showed a comparison of different aftermarket tracks, and the Pandas do look good.
Maybe my 2nd (or 40th) Sherman. I like the turret sticking in the driver hatch.
I sure hope that the driver got out before that happened…
+1 for Panda Plastic tracks. I’ve got about a dozen sets. They’re my go-to for VVSS tracks. Very high quality and very easy to assemble. I’ve got the whole thing down to a science. I measure the track run with a cloth tape measure. Then I mark that with tape on a yardstick. I clean up all the parts first and I assemble the whole track run at one time. I do it against the yardstick to keep it straight and I use the Testor’s glue in the black bottle with the needle applicator. It stays pliable enough to do this. Link-glue-link-glue…takes about 25-30 minutes to complete a track run. Then put it on the running gear and tape the ends together. Let dry overnight. Easy-peasy. Then take the tracks back off to paint them (don’t glue the sprocket and idler wheels). Airbrush the whole track Tamiya Rubber Black , then pick out the end connectors with a brush and Metallic Grey. Done.
Thank you! That helps a lot. I love to hear first hand advice/experiences.
I’m having them sent to a buddy in Massachusetts who has to send me some stuff anyway, so who knows when they’ll get there - but I’ll be ready. Great to here about a good system.
Aside from dying painfully in any way, I think having a 75mm (or a 76!) barrel smash you into spaghetti would definitely be bad. Maybe the explosion blew the turret up and the driver bailed fast while it was dropping back down…
If you lived through that, you’d be thinking it could have hit any part of the front, and possible skid down, but noooo, it had to come into the hatch!
Should only take a few days from ordering now. Well that was experience and talking with the folks at Panda Plastics.
It’s a small open area, I doubt any crewmen’s would have survived very long (milliseconds) before the turret blew.
Yeah, I think you’re right. Any explosion enough to knock the turret up would be pretty concussion-y. I said spaghetti, but soup is probably more accurate.
I don’t know when my friend will have his stuff ready, so I’ll just have to wait. I have plenty to do before I start the tank anyway. But thanks to you, I have a system.
Yes, A high pressure contained concussion like that, internal organs would be scrambled eggs,
My Panda tracks arrived via my friend in the US. They are excellent. A bit tedious to de-sprue, almost finished, but quite nice. Test assembled a few links. Easy and nice, good snap, no glue needed, really. Pretty accurate thickness. Very happy and about to dive in to assembly!