Sherman Tank Transmission Covers

The Sherman transmission covers have foundry marks on them but the photographs of actual tanks I saw do not. What is the story?

They are there but in different locations depending on the foundry.

Thanks, none of the kits I’ve seen have them, but Formations Models sells them with the marks. I assume they are interchangeable.

The transmission cover was inside the tank, so no photo of the exterior will show them. :neutral_face:

The location of the foundry markings on the differential housings changed because of revised drawing requirements as much as anything else. Initially they were to be placed on the upper face but later they were to be on the bottom.


This should help out. it includes Foundry makrs on turrets, hulls, Differential covers, etc…

Microsoft Word - Foundry Symbols and Trademarks.doc (

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The Sherman Tank Site | The place for all things Sherman Tank

Most plastic kits have no marks, although some of the recent ones do. If you buy an aftermarket differential, make sure it was designed to fit your kit - they tend to be made to fit a specific brand, and may take a lot of fettling to fit other brands.


Archer Fine Transfers used to offer casting symbols in 1/35 for you to add to a build. Some companies, like Academy would mold foundry symbols on their parts trees, so the modeler would cut and glue them into the builds.

From the Academy M10 “Duckbill” kit (1397); the parts on the bottom right corner would be foundry marks that you could cut and glue on the diff cover.

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I know, I know, people use the wrong terms. I know what you mean though.

Formations Models says the differential housing covers I bought are designed to adapt to several manufacturers of Sherman kits.
Transmission Covers – Formations Models