Showcase models - HMS Vendetta 1918 (1/350)

The kit is pretty much built at this point. Only thing left to attach are the ships boats, the last 2 paravanes and the rigging.

Rigging is going to be representative. Its hard to find clear pictures of her from WW1 so I have been looking at other era appropriate RN DD’s to see how they were rigged.

Once that’s done I will attach the name plate to the stand and the hull number to the ship :slight_smile:


I’ll hold on with my gratulations on commissioning for now then…but that’s certainly a fine build! Great work, she looks splendid!


Rigging is on. Getting so close now! Hopefully will have her done by the weekend.


Looking good Rory! A fast build is a good build :muscle::blush:

Hahahahaha to “Fast”. I started this 33 months ago. Not up to my usual speedy standards for sure. Still, I have build 3 major capital ships since then so I can maaaaaybe be excused my tardiness :smiley:

And I haven’t forgotten about HMS Dragon. She is slated to come down off the Shelf of shame and get completed this year. As will USS Arizona. I have committed (to myself) to not start any new kits until my shelves are clear of incompletes!


However long it took, Vendetta is looking spot on! Fine job on the rigging! So commissioning is very close indeed now!


Rory, I can relate! My own glacial build pace often troubles me, so it is nice to see someone else doing the same thing. My cycle is usually to start a project with the greatest enthusiasm, make good progress, then eventually lose interest and start the cycle again with a new project. I occasionally finish one… but then do the same thing again more often than I’d care to admit! The record holder on my shelf of shame (that I really do intend to finish!) began in 1993…

Anyway, don’t worry about how long its taking; you’ve done a solid job on this bad boy so far! :grin:


Commissioning day is finally here. Made the last few additions last night and she now takes her place in the display case (which needs to be dusted apparently) :slight_smile:

Comparison shot with HMS Zulu. Quite the size difference!

All in all, not a bad build. PE was super flimsy but usable, instructions were vague in areas and the plastic was often undefined and super soft but overall I enjoyed this build of an interesting design of ships. Especially when I remember that one of the first Douglas Reeman novels I ever read was “The Destroyers” which featured a V & W destroyer. Plus she is my first completed kit of 2024.

Onto the next project :smiley:


Congratulations to your commissioning of the HMS Vendetta - what a fine little ship and model! And you have overcome all those troubles you pointed out about the kit and the PE - you certainly can be proud of that fine ship!

  • and…first finished ship in 2024…that might be some kind of a record, on 12 January…



Great job on this little ship, the “flimsy” etch looks just right. Congratulations on another fine effort. :hugs:

33 months but 3 major capital ships since then… 33 divided by 4 = around 8 months each… Pretty quick by all standards I wager :blush:

Either way mate, what a cracking good job you’ve done and worthy of displaying proudly!

Looking forward to see what you bring us next…

PS, fwiw, I have committed to not buying anymore kits until I’m ready to start them… Which means clearing the stash first :pleading_face: should be easy, right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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