I built this vignette about eight years ago. The gun is the Takom kit in 1/35th scale, and goes together very well. The standing figure came with the kit, and was nicely done. The others are from a Miniart set. They were nicely detailed, but I replaced the heads of those with resin ones from Hornet. When I did the scene I had added the tracks for the ammo trolleys used to feed the gun. I did want to add one of the trolleys as well, but it took me eight years to finally do that. I didn’t find out 'til last month, that RPM, of Poland, actually had made a kit of one. I promptly ordered one. It wasn’t Tamiya, but went together okay. The sprue attachments were heavy and care was needed removing parts. When I went to place the trolley on the track, I found that I had been a bit cavalier when originally laying them out. They weren’t quite parallel, so I had to rip 'em up and redo them. I think it was worth the effort in the end.
After placing that fellow sitting on the side platform, I realized he needed something to focus his gaze upon. I came across a set of two German Shepherds (from Legend IIRC) and decided to add one to the scene. I was so pleased with how he came out, I decided to add the other one as well. The name plate reads “Sitz! Bleib! Braver Hund!”, German for Sit, Stay, Good Dog!
The trolley kit came with the choice of using either a 1000kg shell, or the powder charge used to send it on its way. There was a decal sheet included with a bunch of markings to be used on the shell & the charge. As near as I can figure, the graffiti on the shell roughly translates to Big Boy.
Here you see the replacement tracks in place, and the trolley prior to painting.
Lastly a picture of the real thing.
It took quite some time to happen, but I think the addition of the trolley adds a lot to the scene. Thanks for looking. Questions or comments are welcomed.