Does any one make 1/35 slat armor for Stryker’s resin or 3d printed…
Voyager Models made a PE slat armor set for both the Trumpeter and the AFV Club M1126 kit.
Personally, I’d prefer someone make a 3D printed Slat Armour cage set, because i know i would never be able to put together something like that on my M1126A1 build.
But is there whole sections in resin or 3d that I don’t have to worry about gluing pe pieces…
I don’t think there’s an alternative in resin or 3D printed plastic.
I’m in the same boat - trying to assemble that much brass gives me hives. I know injection molded slat is possible; I think the 3D folks could make a mint with print on demand. Figure most of the Stryker variants that ever had slat aren’t too far different from one another.
I did one back in 2012 with the Eduard set. It was a lot of work, but not that difficult. The Eduard set had a jig that helped a lot. I used super glue, not solder, only because I am not that good with solder.
I agree with Cory. The Eduard PE set isn’t too bad. It just takes patience and time. I built two for a customer a while ago (2009-ish). They came out looking pretty good, better than the crappy pic shows.
I too was intimidated by the eduard PE, but I replaced the folded beams with square styrene. it also helped with attachment as well.
As you can kind of see in ArtyG37B’s photo, you really build one panel at a time, then connect/hang them. With the jig, it really isn’t too difficult. I believe there was also a set from Griffon Models too. I am actually considering doing another one. I am a bit of a glutton for punishment though.