Darren Baker takes a look at the small carts collection from MiniArt in 1/35th scale.
This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://armorama.com/news/small-carts-collection
Darren Baker takes a look at the small carts collection from MiniArt in 1/35th scale.
The last unit (right/low) is a slightly older version of the typical german Einachs-Zweihand-Dreiseitenkipper (Single Axle, Two handed, Three-directional tilting) aka Schubkarre:
More modern ones have a pneumatic wheel (often flat). Most german houses have one for transporting stuff from cut grass (Germans cut their grass once per week after cleaning the car) to stones or pre-mixed concrete
In the US, we call it a wheelbarrow; the wheel is usually flat here too.