Some might call it the great washi tape debate

While I’m a fan of a lot of Tamiya supplies (and their paint and kits), I can’t help but feel sometimes we have our own version of the “pink tax” ( for those unmarried members-it’s a razor company for instance making the same razor, one for men in black and a pink for women. No real differences but color however 20%-30% more mark up) w those guys. Take their yellow masking tape, the very thin rice paper washi tape. I found a tube of washi tape at Hobby Lobby, about a 12-15 inch tube with a variety of pastel colored tape in various widths up to 3/8 wide. So I experimented using that (all that tape was in the scrap book area during a sale for under $10usd) vs some Tamiya (avg cost here around $5-6 for a small roll). After masking this 1/48th A-10 canopy I really can’t tell the difference in thickness and adhesion. The familiar yellow is Tamiya’s and I tried out some different widths and colors in a very non scientific experiment. Yes the Tamiya roll has more linear feet

But for overall value and volume, the prissy scrapbook washi tape for all intents and purposes is the same stuff. I ended up w 24 rolls for $10 vs 2 rolls of Tamiya for just under $12. I won’t skimp on certain tools but here it just made/makes sense.


How long did it maintain adhesion, and have you tried it around curves and angles that might cause cheaper tapes to pop loose?

I sometimes get in a situation where I mask a canopy and don’t get around to painting it until later (3 years in one case).

Have you seen that orange tape they sell in the model section as the Tamiya alternative? I tried a small roll and found it did not adhere well at all nor stay put very long when it did. I’ll check out HL tomorrow on my way to pick up my daughter from a debate meet; I don’t spend a lot of time in the scrapbook section.


As far as maintaining, I taped the canopy shown above about 2 days ago so my duration is considerably shorter lol. But 48 hours later I don’t see it curling up at all.

That canopy has a pretty major radius and it laid down just fine. Likewise the windscreen has some sharp angels and it did fine there. I did notice that the tag ends if I used my fingers were noticeably less tacky so I started applying w tweezers. It seemed to trim just fine also with little tearing or bunching like I’ve even experienced w Green Frog tape, which I do prefer for assembly and larger areas. The bunching I’m referring to is when my pressure comes off the blade/piece contact and it gets bunched up vs cutting smooth so obviously a fresh blade is key.

Trust me, I don’t venture into the scrapbook area either but I’ve started exploring all the aisles now and thinking outside of the box. Jewelry aisle has very fine wire and threads in scale for 1/35 ( at least to my eyes). Also fine chain there for some applications. I found a nice stainless steel punch block that I cut photo etch on, plenty of bottles etc. their brushes, Mastertouch aren’t bad especially if you hit the sales. Likewise their pastel chalks and Mastertouch oils are pretty nice too, plus very often 50% off. I’ll buy their assortments too for using on liquid glues, Solvaset etc. it certainly pays to browse. Oh and by the leather work area I found a punch set that I use to bang out styrene circles too, not the best but for under $15.00 it is was worth picking up for a trial.


Btw, I tried one roll of that orange they sell, it’s so-so at best. The colored scrap booking tape was far better so far. I just got these recently

so I’ll trim as needed w that bulk washi tape.


I bought this years ago on Amazon.

Works well enough for me and still have a bunch. I do like the case to prevent dust sticking to the sides.


I think Montana Hunter is on the money. A+++

Will Pattison mentions the same and does research on The Great Kabuki Tape - aka Washi Tape Explained, Save Money on Tape!


I think it was that episode I saw years ago when it was being discussed about the tape and hobby tax we get hit with.


I have loads of Tamiya tape in all the widths and love it, have been using it forever. That said, I found a MUCH less expensive replacement. Frog Tape Delicate Surfaces masking tape, yellow, in 1 and 3 inch widths. Performs identically to Tamiya tape and is much less expensive, available at Home Depot. Longest I’ve left it on is two months and it held an edge. Don’t forget when masking to clean the plastic with alcohol or Windex first to remove skin oils and always use a new #11 blade.


I think I saw that too, I noticed it hadn’t been discussed here for quite some time and since my trial was fresh in mind I’d thought I’d pass it on. Plus the extra savings in theory can be flipped to kits, or paints or the other numerous things that have few if any alternatives.


Outstanding topic!

Happy you post the results of the experiment. I have to get washi tape next Hobby Lobby visit. I like to Tamiya but not really crazy about paying that “pink tax” as you mentioned.

Cheers :beers:


Considering this is pretty much my first go at a more modern canopy I was pleased with the performance of the generic tape. The roughness was more on my side, need to spend a bit more time laying down the tape, in addition I glued the lower framework in first which made taping the inside trickier than it needed to be. Nothing some more slow steady work with a toothpick and a 10/0 brush won’t solve.


What about cleaning canopies and windshields AFTER the part has been treated with a clear acrylic?

Alcohol or Windex will destroy the coat, yes?

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YES it will! In that case I would just use dish soap and water.

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I’m 100% acrylic as far as painting. I cleaned up my edges w a toothpick lightly damped w water, gently working away the excess. When the tip gets deformed I throw it out or set it aside to mix paint (really depends what my attention level is at if I make a conscious decision to set it aside) and for cleaning it I use a very very very lightly dampened qutip to remove finger prints. And I do stress very minimal moisture on it so not to adversely affect my paint lines. I know many talk about treating w Future prior but no experience with it.

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