Some sales and cleaning space

Hi to all!
Ceaning my space and offer the new kits. Shipping from Ukraine.
Paypal, Payoneer or via ebay (by PM)

Dora Wings
DW 72002 Percival Vega Gull (civil registration), 1/72 - 24$ (Free shipping)

DW 72003 Percival Proctor Mk.1 marking of Czechoslovakia, 1/72 - 24$ (Free shipping)

DW 48002 Gee Bee Super Sportster R-1, 1/48 - 39$ (Free shipping)

DW 48005 Percival P.10 Vega Gull (military service), 1/48 - 39$ (Free shipping)

DW48016 Percival Proctor Mk.III (civil registration), 1/48 - 39$ (Free shipping)

DW48029 Republic P-43 Lancer, 1/48 - 45$

72305 - AF-2S/3S Guardian Killer - 17$

PE7220 - Su-2 Flaps. Photo-etched update set for ICM kit - 7$

PE7225 - An-12 Cub (inter.+exterior) P.e. update set for Roden kit. - 15$

PE7249 - Mi-8T Interior Set (for Zvezda kit) - 15$

PE7250 - Mi-8T Exterior Set (for Zvezda kit) - 7$

PE 7255 - MiG-21 bis (for Zvezda kit, interior+exterior+film for the panel desk) - 7$

PE 7257 - Mi-24 V/D/P, Mi-35M (interior set for Zvezda kit) - 7$

7258 - Mi-24 A/V/D/P Mi-35M (cargo module interior set for Zvezda kit) - 7$

7261 - Soviet Helicopter Hinges (9M17M “Falanga”, UB-32A, B-8-V20) - 7$

7264 - Ka-50 exterior (two frets for Zvezda kit) - 11$

4807 - MiG-3 interior with panel desk film (for 1/48 ICM kit) - 6$