South West Model Show - Tank Musuem

HI all,

Just a quick shout out about the above show on the 10/11 of Feb being held within the Tank Museum at Bovi.

Just wondered if anyone here was likely to be going to it ? I am trying to get there on the Sat 10th if poss.


Hi John. Just seen this. I’ll be there tomorrow (Saturday) with the Tank Museum Modellers. Actually I was also there today, doing our usual set up for the UK half term, all through next week. There is also a possibility that I’ll be around on Sunday as well.

Are you planning to be there?

Whilst on the subject, how about you and Pete, Brain @BootsDMS ?

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Visiting the Tank Museum is on my bucket list; along with Saumur, Munster and Fort Moore (US Armor & Cavalry Museum Collection, moved from Ft. Knox).


I’ll be visiting on the Sunday, can’t make Saturday.
May have to add this one to our club calendar for next year.


Sorry John, it’s a four-hour drive each way from Darkest Essex, so not this time.

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Sadly I won’t be able to make it now. The insurance company phoned this morning and asked if they can pick up the remains of my lovely Triumph between 10 and 2… And I’m already out on Sunday … Bit gutted but hey ho… I’m planning on a trip to the museum regardless for a look round now as I can’t make the show … Hope it all goes well…


Sounds like driving from the Shire to the Eye of Sauron. Don’t forget to throw the One Ring in the fire and watch out of the little Smeagol.