Sova-M new kits
SVM72044 - Aircraft T400, 1/72
SVM72049 - T-1A Jayhawk, 1/72
Do you know the relationship between Amodel and Sova-M?
I don’t know, but I think they have something same. Maybe one persons take part in this projects but shared it by their reason?
Latest releases
14403 - An-26 transport aircraft (Antonov Airlines livery), 1/144
72042 - T-1A “Jayhawk” jet trainer (USAF), 1/72
The news
72045 - Gulfstream G-550 (E-8D) “JSTARS” testbed aircraft, 1/72
72060 - CIM-10A “Bomarc” Surface-to-Air Missile system, 1/72
Sova released new kits:
14013 - B-57E & CIM-10A Bomark, 1/144
14017 - Ga-43 Clark USA, Swiss, 1/144
14022 - Ga-43 Clark Japan, Espan, 1/144
72052 - H-400, 1/72
72053 - Jetstream Super-31, 1/72