Spilling the paint

Several times.
Haven’t spilt much paint since I switched to the dropper bottle acrylics.
Recently spilt an entire bottle of Games Workshop nuln oil wash. Left the paint brush in it and forgot that there was no weight to the bottle and over it went.
And have had a few spills with bottles of Microsol and Set. Really need to make a stand for those bottles to stop it.

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Matt, where’s a good site to find the DSPIAE glue bottle holder and other DSPIAE items?


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Wade, here in the States, https://www.boomersbooks.net/ carries the entire line.
If you don’t mind the shipping you can’t beat the prices at https://www.hobbyeasy.com//.


Check out Etsy for a ton of 3D Printed holders.

I have a bunch of ‘JeffDidIt’ holders. He even printed a custom Mr. Surfacer Triple Bottle Holder for me.


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Track connectors work well too.

Been using these Excel Blade Holders since forever. They have a soft-grip handle and a hex-nut on one end that keeps them from rolling. I also like the different colors for color-coding.


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yes me too. i can’t tell you how many bottles of mocro set/so; i wasted. i am going to use empty tamiya glue bottles to put them in.

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I shared these previously but here was my solution for glues and the micro sol/set/mask disasters. Learned the hard way on a TOW launcher on a Bradley what a bottle of extra thin can do. Some sort of really hard closed cell foam, almost rubbery that some sort of electronic component was packed with from an old job I was at. Paint goes on a pallet or straight to a cup on the airbrush so have avoided paint disasters for the most part. For whatever reason or LHS said their supplier was out of extra thin till late May so I’m glad I hobbled this holder together awhile back. Though the aluminum ones above do look appealing but these get 'er done!


Hey! Joe, I have that trouble too, I finally went to Hobby Lobby and bought a three pack of cheap painting pallets and now I pour the amount of paint I need. Less spillage now . The only trouble is I have more to clean up. , the pallet that is.

I’ve managed to avoid any major paint spillages, bar when I dropped an open dropper bottle of ammo acrylic black that somehow shot a splatter of paint onto the white wall of my university flat. Rather than wipe it off with a damp tissue like an intelligent person I reached for a bone dry tissue which removed 90% of the paint and left 10% insta-dried on the textured paint of my wall. Fine sandpaper to the rescue and they never noticed. Tamiya extra thin is another story…

Once on the Flintstones, either Fred or Wilma was putting a nail in the wall to hang a picture, and it made a long jagged crack. They painted leaves on it to make it look like a vine. I really thought that’s where you were goin g with this.

I just leaned over in my garage with a small jar of acetone in my hand – that I forgot I had loosened the top on. Fortunately the floor is cement with rubber pads resting on it. Little smelly in there now.

I happened to me in my early model building days. It was a full bottle of Testors Enamel. And naturally it was silver. The table wore that for decades until I refinished it. The jeans never recovered and became my dedicated modeling pants.

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