RFM king tiger on sale for $35 shipped!! Crazy value
Already have the Meng one but how do you pass up $22 for an RFM kit
RFM king tiger on sale for $35 shipped!! Crazy value
Already have the Meng one but how do you pass up $22 for an RFM kit
I have to pass it up as I have one already!
I almost added both, but with some recent spending I don’t want to get evicted by the wife
Does that Tiger require zim?
As far as I am aware most KT had zimmerit but about 1/3 were produced after zimmerit application ceased
Here is one from the bulge without zimmerit
No, it does not.
Thanks. No zim. Might take the plunge.
Every now and then they have great deals on RFM in particular. I should develop an RFM wishlist and not buy anything on it until the bros do the deal.
Thanks for the heads-up on this one.
I went for it. Not having to do the zim clinched it.
Yeah I feel ya there. Now that I have 2 (this one and the meng). I will probably do one in zimmerit and one not in zimmerit
I wouldn’t mind another but I still have RFM’s interior kit and Dragon’s non-production turret version. Problem is I am about to pull the trigger on a couple of other kits of vehicles I don’t already have.
Damn! You guys burned through what was left of the stock. Lucky for my, I already have the Meng version… Geez! Save some for the rest of us. LMAO.
SS Abt. 501st had KTs without the zimm added during the Battle of the Bulge; couple were abandoned and captured; especifically, KT 332, which is part of the Armor & Cavalry Collection at Moore.
I am basing my Meng KT on that particular vehicle… Before it was cut open at APG.
On display at APG in the 70s.
After restoration. On display at Moore.
Left side turret and upper hull were cut open to display the insides.
This is my take from eight years ago, but at the time I was unaware of the real one:
Dragon had included it as one of the options in the kit.
The back half of the turret:
I had to hunt down the decal sheet from Tamiya’s King Tiger (35164) to get the blue/yellow numerals that were specific to the 501st Abt.
Heckuva deal, think I’ll have to take them up on it.
They sold out yesterday thanks to the loud mouth OP.
Can’t argue with that. Oh well…
He probably bought the entire stock then came and told us about the sale to watch our disappointment. He’s a cruel individual.