I was just checking out SprueBrothers and they’ve got the RFM Leopard 2A7 for a steal!
Already got mine on the way!
I was just checking out SprueBrothers and they’ve got the RFM Leopard 2A7 for a steal!
Already got mine on the way!
You model devil
I’ll bet you say that to all the boys!
I got one too! That and the Copper State Models’ Russian Armored Car. Was tempted by the Takom Carius Tiger for under $30. I’ve got one already and it looks nice in the box but a truly tempting kit at that price. Enjoy your builds!
Man oh man they must be cleaning out the warehouse! I’ve never seen more than four items on Lightning Deal at one time. This could send a guy into credit card overcharge!
I see the Garford - Putilov has sold out, and no doubt why. That was an incredible price for a CSM kit and if you got one you are lucky. I am building that kit right now, and although the sprue attachment points are massive, the parts are perfect and it is a joy to build. I am having a lot of fun with it and it is going together beautifully.
Too bad I’m broke at the moment…
Man if I weren’t on a buying strike I’d be on that 2A7 like a monkey on a cupcake.
You’re about 20hrs late on letting me know to keep it in your southern storage facility. Debated adding to the cart but went with the Humvee instead as it is closer to my building genres.
I’m trying to be good Ryan. I’m trying to be good. I keep telling myself that.
You appear to be doing good. I have be limiting my purchases mostly to what I already have items for and not get aftermarket just for the sake of getting. If I already have aftermarket bits I will get the base kit to use them like the M53 and James’s 3D bits. I try to limit my exceptions, the ICM Humvee being one of them.
Lightning struck as well…just couldn’t resist for ~$37…
Turret shell & Upper hull packaged in their own boxes.
The addendum sheet has some very familiar style tool clamps.
Seriously full box of RFM goodness.
Very happy to see there’s a version without the red & white stripes on the fenders.
I’d passed on this kit when it was a brand new release due to the R&W fender markings!
I’ve spent most of the afternoon looking at this kit and am seriously impressed
RFM are the best in my book