Squadron is Gone - But now it's back!

When I read the involvement of “Amazon Marketplace”, my antenna went up. We’ll have to see if a small mortgage when have to be taken out when it comes to purchasing models/supplies.


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I just did a quick price check. For the new Tamiya KV-1 Model 1941 35372, HobbyEasy in HK is $35.87. SprueBrothers is $51.49. Squadron is $53.45 but you get free shipping, making them cheaper than SprueBrothers.

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Not sure Tamiya is a good example because of their “price control”. Scalehobbist beats both US companies even with shipping added. Like the grocery store one needs shop around for the best price for a kit or like a grocery store pick one and don’t mind the few dollars savings here or there that might be saved.


Oh! I thought a new Tamiya kit would be a good “standard”. I’m not trying to promote Squadron, but at least it shows that they’re in the ballpark.

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:man_shrugging: could be. I am not the keeper of how things should be but your point is valid that they are in the ballpark. Best of luck to them and may their customers be happy.

The original Squadron’s success was Proprietor based Capitalism which drives the positive side of capitalism.

The failed Squadron was perfect example of managerial capitalism the kryptonite of American business and culture.

Hopefully, the new version of Squadron signals its return to Proprietor based capitalism. If so it will likely be a successful business again.


Another reason I’ll be happy to move stateside. Shipping to Canada blows, really kills a lot of deals. Some kits I want on squadron that would be free shipping to the US are $50 plus for shipping here… just got to be patient I guess