Stowage on Tamiya M106A1 (?)

Good morning Gentlemen

I was lucky enough to get hold of a Tamiya M106, but now I have a few questions about the ‘stowage’

I.) The tripod for the .50: was it really mounted in this position on the vehicle? And more important: fixed with/into this ‘coffee cup’ ? If it was really on the vehicle, I probably replace it with a tripod from the Academy set ‘U.S. machine guns’. The question remains; how was it mounted?

II.) the two boxes: what were they used for ? They are about the size of ammunition boxes for the MG, but would then be very, very simplified. At least they could be replaced without problems … . Does anyone know what they are ?

Unfortunately there is very little reference material, I am grateful for any information !

Thanks in advance & best greetings from Switzerland !



An educated guess about the boxes. Maybe these are ration boxes?

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An educated guess about the boxes. Maybe these are ration boxes?

MRE cartons would have to be considerably larger. But it’s an old Tamiya kit, so you really never know … :grimacing:

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Parts D-1 are supposed to be .50 cal ammo cans. Tamiya did not do a good job at representing them. The cover on the tripod is fabric.


Tamiya kit must be 50 years old now. We need a new M106/M1064 kit NOW!


In the meantime…



MR Modellbau makes a really nice M1064A3 conversion set.

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Already in my finished model shelf. I actually provided the references for Matthias.


I thought I remembered you having a hand in the project. Great job. I have built a couple as well.

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One of my favorite builds. Have another in the stash I am going to do too.


Thanks for the information regarding the ammo boxes and the tripod, that helped me a lot !

I will build my M106 in MASSTER camouflage and, as far as I know, almost all vehicles with this camouflage pattern were used by the USAREUR / 7th Army. Therefore my question: which units were equipped with M106, or more precisely: what would be the correct bumper codes for such a vehicle ?

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Yes, only 7th Army used the experimental MASSTER camo. I don’t know which units were in 7the Army but can provide some info to research. All Armor Bns had an M106 MTR PLT (6 tubes). The decals that come with the M106 kit are a good example of how they were marked.


Bumper code seems to be 3-3-64. 3rd ID?


I think the pics were taken at Ledward or Conn Barracks, Schweinfurt.

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3rd ID, 3rd Bn. 64th Armor Regiment.

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Odd uniform, unless I’m missing something here. Bloused boots, no beret? And the soldier on the right appears to be wearing the fourregere. 3 ID can wear it, but the boot thing puzzles me.

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And the boots have been polished by a chocolate bar!

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Maybe doing PLFs off of that Goer makes you Airborne in your own mind.

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Oh, I know that. I was with the 24th ID, and our order of battle was similar to the 3rd ID.

We had 1-64th and 4-64th while the 3rd had 2-64th and 3-64th.

I was just curious to see MASSTER camo on their vehicles, I thought the 7th was the only division sporting MASSTER camo.

I could very well be misinformed about that.

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