That’s a good idea. I have vinyl material that I’ll use. This stuff has worked for me in the past.
Which Frog Tape product did you use? Looks good and it must be easy to seal around various contours and radius’
My favorite paint was a Slippery When Wet sign. We all made her stop so we could get a close look to see! LOL
OK so I think I get the point of this thread…
…painting women who discard their clothes, right? I just can’t find an example of any sitting on a car, maybe because the mask kept slipping over my eyes.
I hope that is a Lo-Tac tape…
Some putty work was needed on the edges some parts and the roof had two sink marks. While this was curing, I built the suspension and interior.
Hey Ko, very nice work! Just curious to know what was the wrong type of mask originally used? Asking for a friend…
He used regular generic masking tape.
The “glass” is all one part. I masked to paint the weather stripping* and to paint the edges black to block the prism effect. This makes the “glass” look more to scale. I’ll post a bunch of pictures of this because I haven’t built and painted an aircraft model in a long long time so I was very stoked on how this turned out.
- there’s that word again…
Sanded putty, primer, then sanding a little more, then final primer. Then repaint base coat with Testors Tan flat enamel. I’ll let this sit for a week
Extremely well done.
Appreciate the compliment I’m super stoked on how it worked out
As you should be, it’s looking great.
Thanks, Tank
Waiting for the enamel side to cure for a week (Wednesday) before masking.
In the meantime I’ll work on the wheels. Different wheels for each side. I couldn’t use the wider slicks with mags because the diameters are different so the bug won’t sit level. I have to file material down to accept the same tires as the left side.
Left side represents a Dodgers fan so Dodger blue rims and a Tamiya metallic blue wash into the VW.
Flat black over the chrome rims for the right side.
I have a roll of Scotchcal 220 by 3M. It’s a vinyl material that I cut into strips for masking. This was very helpful for this project.
The paint cured for about a week before clear coat. I was concerned that this UPOL product would be too hot for the enamel side. First time using this and sprayed it right out of the can. I lightly misted all over a few coats before the thicker wet coats were applied. This worked because the enamel did not react.
That looks positively delicious, the reflections indicate a flawless surface (can almost read the roadsigns), nice job! Two questions – how long for the upol to cure, and did you wear a mask? (Asking for that friend)