Thank you 
Yes, I always wear gloves and a mask*
I followed the directions on the back of the can. 5 minutes between coats and 30 minutes to dry. “Overnight” I waited 24 hours “…to handle”
*after trying to catch butterflies on the freeway wearing nothing but swim trunks and a space helmet, I decided it would be a good idea to wear PPE when spraying paints. I was holding my model at the time and completely ruined the paint job
Yep that’s always the problem when the model makes a move, that kinda job requires no swim trunks. As for the helmet…jeez I think I’ll quit while I’m behind.
I saw an aircraft modeler doing something similar, except he would shoot another layer of the base coat after he applied the masks. Same principle.

Both are functional techniques when spraying compatible systems in dry and cure time. It may have worked but I didn’t want chemical reaction issues with the enamel and lacquer spraying over each other too soon. I decided to let each color cure for a week then apply the vinyl masking material.
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I can’t find the head light lenses and the tail light parts. I don’t know if they were in the box or not. Maybe at my friend’s house? He doesn’t remember either. I lined up the tail light parts so if we find the lenses later then they can be installed.
I also messed up a little at the right side door panel line. Tried to clean it up but made it worse. If you close one eye and squint with the other, it looks fine. 
He’s working on a roof rack made from paper clips.
Thanks for looking 
Damn -that bug looks awesome!
@cosimodo @justsendit @Karl187 @Stickframe
Thank you for the compliments! He was happy with it