Su-35S Flanker E - Great Wall Hobby 1/48

Hi everyone.
While I build my DH Mosquito in the WW2 section, I take a moment to show you my latest creation in the field of modern jets. Actually, my first and only jet since 1993. After that, like many of you, the modeling tools remained in the drawer due to work commitments, family and all those activities that characterize the frenetic adult life, before retirement.
So, in mid-2023, I finally got my hands on this beast.: the Su-35S (Flanker E) - 1/48 G.W.H.
A very long and complex creation, also aggravated by a defect in the molding of the two semi-fuselages which I had to remedy with a lot of patience. The finishing of the engines as well as the missile/bomb pylons deserve a separate discussion since the time they took away is practically equivalent to that required for everything else.
I hope it meets your appreciation.
Let’s start with the real thing…

…and its complicated and “multicoloured” engine exhausts…

These exhausts were a crazy challenge for me. Coloring practically every petal, trying to reproduce the different individual colors, required, as I said above, an incredible amount of time and patience. This is my result…

Now a general view of the aircraft, set in the ground handling phase with the presence of an APA-5d support vehicle

To conclude, the majestic (attention! majestic only for modeling purposes. Let’s remember that these weapons are bringing death in the ongoing war. And this saddens us all!) load of armament that this aircraft can carry depending on the type of mission, remembering that it is the multirole version of the SU-35



Dam !!!

Model too poorly built to be published? :smile:

I have the Mini-Base Su-27K Sea Flanker w/Mos Kit . Plus the 3D printed extras and the Quinta 3D printed Instrument Panel . Debating on the Seamless Intakes and AM Pylons and Missiles .

[quote=“Phantom13, post:4, topic:47111”]

I also have this Su-27 Flanker kit in my stash. It has the reputation of being a fantastic kit and at first glance it promises to be.
Coming to my Su-35, if that’s what you mean, yes, the air intakes were one piece straight out of the box, seamless. Some aftermarket parts, Eduard instrument panels, antennas and small details were added. The rest of the plane is also straight out of the box
The armament is, for my poor knowledge of modern jets (believe me, it really is!) , really well done, after comparing it with a good number of photos on the net.
The GWH kit woudl have been really fantastic, if it wasn’t for that problem I mentioned at the beginning of my post, that is, the two half-fuselages, each in one piece (upper and lower) fit together damn badly. Dry-assembling them I immediately saw that, joining them starting from the tail, the nose was completely and dramatically misaligned both horizontally and vertically. Starting from the nose instead, the situation was even worse there back. It took a really long time, armed with a hairdryer to gently soften the plastic and inserts of material to fill the empty spaces left. In the end I think the result is acceptablet


This is insanely good!!!

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Ah Ah…too kind of you. :smile:

Why do you show images of the real plane, and not the model? :grin: :grin: :grin:


Damn! I’ve been caught :rofl: :rofl:

That is a fine build for a fully laden Su-35S. Very Clean.


Aaaa, now i understand, he photographed the real thing, and photoshopped a background to make it look like a model.

Shame on you, Dacciar :-):-):slight_smile:

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Well yes! You have definitely exposed my deception. :joy:
This work took me a year of hard…photoshopping
Shame on me!!!
The next time I build a nice model, I will photoshop it inside my display case, hoping to be more successful in the deception.
This way, for example:


Anyway guys, thank you all for appreciations.


Possibly the nicest aircraft model I’ve ever seen.


Steve, this is too much, but thank you so much.
Your kind words are encouraging and push me to do better.
Stay tuned for my other models already built and/or my currently running Mosquito build

Wow, amazing, just amazing!!!

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Hi Phil, Thank you so much!

Good LORD, Dan this is amazing. I love everything about this and I can see the complexity of those engine paint job. The end result is 1st class because…

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Thank you, Mike. Your appreciation is highly welcome.

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Ive got the Su33 GWH kit upstairs and this has been amazing to see what someone with genuine skill and attention to detail could accomplish with it. I am terrified and inspired in equal measure.