it looks fabulous, well done indeed.
Incredible job! Excellent finish!
@Klaus-Adler @metalhead85 Thanks guys glad you like it.
Outstanding! Now that’s a sweet rebuild!
Thanks much. Have to credit my bud who takes the photos, he really does an excellent job. He’s got a pro like setup with the lights backdrop, etc. and has an eye for the shots that show the best details and such. thanks again.
Yes your photos are excellent as well, they really bring out your excellent work.
What a great finish you have managed to get on this Enigma. I think the light weathering was the right direction to go as it shows off the very fine detail you’ve brought it in the build and initial painting. The rust colors around the blocks is a fantastic touch too- really draws the eye in.
Great build and great paint job as well. The pictures really enhance the quality of your model. Congratulations to your buddy.
@Karl187 Thanks. Apparently the rust shows on your computer better than it shows on mine. I can barely make out the rust in some places on my screen. Not a big fan of heavy weathering unless its a battle damaged piece or going into a diorama. Thanks again.
@Bison126 @metalhead85 Can’t take credit for the photos as noted above but I will be sure to pass the remarks along to my friend.