I would have put this in the “Real Space” forum, but it predates 1957 by over a decade, so, into Uncategorized we go…
This is arguably a space subject, the first manmade machine to leave Earth’s atmosphere. I started it this morning at this month’s AZ AMPS meeting, figuring that it should be a fairly quick build project.

During the meeting I was able to build the launch pad

and for a sense of perspective as to the size of the launch platform, here is a 1/35 figure alongside

I should be able to finish up the rocket itself in my next build session.
I built the Dragon version a decade ago. I also have the later Takom release with the SS100 and Meilerwagen. Have you picked out a scheme yet?
@Spitfire, happy to hear that you’ll be watching this project.
@brekinapez, nice job on the Dragon kit. I’ll be doing the same type of camo scheme on mine.
Should have bought this model when it was still around for cheap.
Definitely interested in your build. May go to eBay for one.
My collection includes a 1/35 scale V2…but it is a card model. 
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Thanks for looking and following Doug. This kit is still currently available at Squadron & Sprue Brothers for around $25 according to Scalemates.
When I finish this one I am interested in one of the Takom V-1s.
The stand alone rocket model went out of stock at both those stores some weeks (months?) ago.
I’m kinda on the fence on if I want the one with the transporter. Dunno. Make a good project for Got Hitched! 
The V-1 also interest me. Well, they all interest me.
Anyway, looking forward to seeing more of your V-2!
Yeah… I’m really eyeballing the V-1 with launch ramp… but then I take display space on my shelves into consideration… 
The ramp isn’t even the correct length. I was considering it myself (already have a Special Hobby 1/32 kit I built) but what’s the point of buying the ramp as well if its inaccurate and you can get the V-1 alone?
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yeah it does look a bit short compared what’s seen in newsreel clips… but it
does have quite a “cool factor”… if I had unlimited display space…
Yesterday I was able to get most of the rocket assembled

the upper section has quite a seam where the halves join, so it’s gonna take some clean up before I can get to the final assembly and move forward to painting.