I know, I know, another tangent whilst I’ve still my M114 to finish off; I bought this at the recent IPMS Belgium annual show reported on elsewhere (under “Events & Shows” funnily enough). It was a spontaneous buy and I just could not resist it.
My usual method of adding model railway flock to represent the build-up of mud and clag on the suspension. Incidentally, on the sprues there are an extra 2 wheel stations, and as this vehicle utilised the Kpz 70 suspension, I can only assume that Takom have one in the pipeline, or it’s US counterpart, MBT 70 (which is Sod’s Law with my 3 x Commander Models resin versions in my stash).
A bit more tinkering to assess the size; it’s huge:
Looks great Brian! It does have a sci-fi look to it with those two bugs cannons on each side. And that Valkyrie crew looks great as well. Can’t wait to see it finished.
Thanks all - feel free to hold my feet to the fire if I slacken off; that said, attendance at the Belgian show did what was intended and restoked my modelling morale.
So, tomorrow, work on the figures - I’ll probably do all 3 not just the Driver.
I would say that an MBT 70 from Takom is a safe bet. Just look at all the experimental tank releases from Takom thus far.
And I know, I know, I want one too!
The Valkyrie Driver figure I found is too shallow to adequately fill his hatch so I’ve had to use another figure from a duplicate set and adapt/mutilate him accordingly. I’ve added some mods and cabling before a coat of primer:
In primer; I may have to add a bit more of the left arm to my Driver figure - it was positioned in the wrong direction so I removed it, and now realise that such an amputation my be visible from above. I’ll see what I can do with wire and Milliput.