Takom M47G

I have this kit. https://www.scalemates.com/products/img/6/6/3/1029663-10244-25-720.jpg

Along with a Voyager detail set

With the Star Decals

I want to make a Marine version as seen on deployment in Turkey.

Screen grab from Critical Past for discussion purposes only.

Anyone know of a site or post/s that discusses the differences in the M47. My googlefu found only generic sites that do give us details needed for modeling. I am also open to building any other Marine M47 if that one cannot happen.

Thanks in advance for any and all help.

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The picture is of an M 48


Doh! Where is my dunce cap.

Plan B, anyone have any photo/s of a Marine M47?

That PE set is for the later diesel engined version version, although you may be able to use most if not all of it.

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I don’t think the marines had the M47.

“The USMC used M47s from 1951 to 1959. 3rd Tk. Bn. was the last unit to have the M47.”

Evolution of USMC Armor, Marine Corps Vietnam Tankers Historical Foundation website: The Evolution of Marine Tanks

Pictures of them are almost non-existent though.

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Yep, that website had a few M47 photos but listed as USA, the range photo might be a Marine tank hard to tell.

Ed Gilbert’s books Tank Battles in Korea and Vietnam do not cover the M47. I cannot locate my copy of Marines under Armor by Ken Estes to see if he has any information.

I found a few M47 photos in the USMC Tanker Assoc book.

Listed as reservists on maneuvers on Camp Pendleton (maybe 11th Tank/1st Tank USMCR) for discussion purposes.

In Marines Under Armor, Estes states on p.148-149 that in Oct 1951 USMC purchases of the M46 ended in favor of the M47, M47s equipped the 3rd Tank Battalion which would deploy tp Japan in 1953, the rebuilt 2nd Tank Battalion and 2 Reserve Battalions (1st and 2nd Tank Battalions USMCR). Estes further states all Tank School Training switched to the M47 in October 1952, despite 1st MarDiv still retaining its M46s for the rest of its time in Korea.

Estes states on p.149 that the M47 was replaced in short order by the M48, with 3rd Tank Battalion retaining it the longest - until 1959.

Later in the book Estes talks about Marine M1A1s engaging Somali M47s with only 50 cal and 7.62 coax (their main gun rounds were loaded on ships) which I found interesting.

Hope that helps…

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Welcome aboard. Tanks for the information. Did you see any M47 photos in the book?

Knowing how things work in the Corps/ Navy, it makes perfect sense that the ammo would be back on board the boat. In Desert Storm my “combat” load for our 2 M16A1s was one magazine per weapon. After much grumbling, we got 10 rounds to zero the main gun with. I was told they were saving ammo for use in combat. Makes perfect sense because with poorly zeroed weapons, it would take a lot of ammo to hit a target… The M16’s were brand new still covered in cosmaline when we got them. Zeroing them consisted of pacing off 100 yards and placing an empty box to shoot at.

From Hunnicutt’s Patton. A History Of The American Main Battle Tank


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I have these two photos saved as USMC vehicles, but I cannot confirm.

The markings rather look like Army ones to me…


3rd Armored Division, 33rd Tank Battalion ?



Exactly. US Army

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Thanks HP. :+1:

Nice photos unfortunately as others have said US Army vehicles.

Here’s another Marine M47 training on Iwo Jima in November 1956 :

(sorry for the picture quality…)



A little different in this case, according to Ed Gilbert book Tank Battles in the Middle East through Estes research 1st MarDiv said no tanks and General Klimp said tanks so a platoon (5) was given. Under manned with 1 officer, 1 NCO and 4 troops as regular tankers. The other crew members where borrowed troops. Supply didn’t get the memo and sent the ammo back on ship, no tanks no need for tank ammo. Only had 2 boxes of .50 cal and 700 round 7.62. Sent to support a mission they ran into 6 M47, after firing the machine gun (probably coax) the Somalias thought they were ranging the main gun and surrendered. Next day, they ran into 3 T-55’s and 2 M-47 near the compound. Seemed the Army towed some vehicles the night before l, didn’t tell them and “kids” where playing with them. Also used the M1’s in reverse to move some hostile crowds out of the area.