Just about done with this. I need to add figures which is not my strong suit. We’ll see. . .hoping for the best. This my first real desert scene. I made a tarp for the gun because I figured they kept them covered due to desert dust. I have figures to add but painting figures is not my strong suit. . .we’ll see.
I really like the ground work and the painting. I think the weathering is spot on. Are there tactical marks or DAK palms on it. I could not see them. Often a cover was over the muzzle for dust protection. Anyone know how to make them look good and not just a blob of tissue paper? I have a hard time with that. In addition to figures, I think some more kit and maybe the Dragon lizard from their figure set would be nice.
There are some unit markings. . they are small and kinda washed out from the Tamiya Buff “dusting” I gave it. I intend on making a muzzle cover.
I made this using air-dry clay on a wood base. Was super easy to do … . can be a bit messy but nothing outrageous. . . you will have clay on your fingers for a few hours.
Nice Job!