Tamiya 2016 Mercedes-AMG GT3

What an absolutely gorgeous car! When I was this kit, I knew I had to build it.

The kit went together with the expected Tamiya quality, and the only problem I had during assembly was the tail lights. They were really finicky to get into place, but I managed to get it to work in the end, somehow. The mirrors gave be trouble, too. Go figure. The car is built out of the box and represents the car that Mercedes-AMG took on the Car Show Circuit in 2016 prior to teams using it in IMSA, WEC, and other series. When researching photos of this car, I found that most photos showed the car with black wall tires just like the kit. While accurate, it’s kind of boring. Several photos showed cars with yellow line tires. A little better, but I didn’t have yellow-line tire decals. Then I found a photo of the car with Pirelli P Zero tires. Those decals I had, so I added the Pirelli tire decals & the BBS wheel decals from the Modern Sports Car Tire Decals from Mike’s Decals. Dresses it up a little. Body color is Tamiya Semi-Gloss Gun Metal TS-100.

Thanks for looking,


I want to build that kit as well. Beautiful finish.

That sure does look pretty and I hope the hobby doesn’t have it next week. :+1::+1:

Thanks, guys. There are lots of aftermarket decals for this, and Spot Models will be issuing an EVO conversion for it to do newer cars.



I have a version of this kit with different decals so it is great to see it built up and read how straightforward it was. Great outcome Jim!


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Thanks, Michael. Yes, it was pretty straight forward, except for the tail lights. They were very fiddley.


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