Tamiya AS-20 Insignia White Question

I bought a can of Tamiya AS-20 Insignia White,however it seems to be a light gray color.I have old jar of Modelmaster Enamel and it is a pure white,snow white color,does anyone know which one is correct,I always thought that Insignia White was a pure white.
Here is a pic,dont know if you can tell


Insignia white is definitely an off white colour. I used Tamiya LP35 on my A-wing build, which is the very same colour, and it’s almost like pure white with some buff added. It’s a great shade but far from pure white. Hope this helps Anthony.


I was reading that Insignia White is 3 parts white and 1 part unbleached white or buff. So not a pure white. Tamiya was reported to be a very light grey color. Seems neither really works. Maybe something in the middle is closer.


Thanks guys

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Just to chip in, AK RC insignia white is also off white as well.