Tamiya Centaur C.S. Mk.IV Refurbishment

Picked this “started” 1999 era jewel for $5 this summer at a model show!

Nothing like low price to entice buying a pig in a poke.

Surprise! There’s an aftermarket turret interior. Previously, tucked away in the turret, it was noticed today. What’s the interior color of a British Centaur?

Not jazzed about the Vallejo paint 70.921 British Uniform Color as base coat. It’s jacked up in several places. I’d guess it lifted when a wash was applied.

Time to break out the VMS Paint stripper this evening. Overall, the model appears to have good basic construction. Hopefully, with a strip and reshoot with Tamiya X-52 Flat Earth & MCLT, this be fun to paint.

Any thoughts on interior color, the model kit, color choice are appreciated.

Thank you


Sometimes strippers are worth the money!

VMS Clean Slate 2.0 for Acrylic worked well without damaging plastic. Michigan Toy Soldier carries VMS products in the USA, not sure if anyone else does.

I should have used a glass bottle to avoid contaminating the rest of the solution. Haven’t stripped paint in ages so I’d forgotten the finer points.

Vallejo is always a very poorly adhering paint applied to base plastic. This was no exception, the Vallejo liquified almost instantly.

I’d expected to need the whole bottle to strip paint and primer but there wasn’t any primer.

The Centaur will dry in the airbrush booth for a few days. When my current project is waiting on gloss coat to cure, plan to get a base coat of Floquil Railroad Weathered Black on as primer coat.


This pig in a poke is on the workbench at the local model club build meeting. One part missing, the loaders rear hatch door.

It can be replaced without too much trouble.

The vinyl tracks were all curled up so, they are temporarily mounted to strech them out etc.