Started up this build today. just sat looking at all my kits to build and was getting nowhere choosing, i opened up every kit and ran thru all the different ideas for each build.
Decided I just needed something with fantasy that should be quick to do. So.
Looking forward to following!
I always like Tamiya Tiger builds
Second half of the 52 wheels being prepped.
pre shading stated last night to do the Hull Red next.
I have now become unhappy unless even the bottom is painted right. So much for the dont pick up the item argument.
Going to have to make a hard decision and decide if the fenders, tracks, and road wheel rubber should all be the same color. For the game thats the way it is. But I think its not going to be that way for me.
wheel 3rd color and turret starting.
At a creators block. The gaming tank has the tracks gray on the turret. I felt weird with them like that, but feel it helps balance the contrast.
Started with the far left track painted tamiya gray primer. Then the rest
painted black.
just for the newbies, notice the two painted the final gray on the left and the differences caused giving the final color because using primer colors.
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Not sure if I am going with band or metal. honestly if done right, You cant tell much unless you touch.
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Compairing between the Tamiya rubberband and Friul tracks that are on the left in black.
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Watching this build further incentivizes me to use this exact kit (35216) for a “Tiger 131” build. Keep it up.
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I have been stalling on my 1/25th scale build because I am also wondering if using it for that. Its on the list for sure.
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I was thinking of going with Ryefield’s Tiger I Tunisia 1943 kit (5001); but it has details that “131” does not have…
Assembled rear of the kit (courtesy of Armorama)
Real Tiger 131 rear end.
Tamiya TIger I Early (35216) rear end.
Plus, I don’t want to pay extra for the interior detaisl that will not see the light of day, IMO.
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Thats kinda why I might use the 1/25 one. Its so basic but they even molded the step up ladder that was later added.
also it kinda seems like one could used the 131 decals from the 1/35 kit. It would be really close in size.
Your top pic is a version that I want to do with the gas can on the turret. Afrika Korp style.
The step could be fashioned out of brass sheet or styrene, that’s not a big deal. You could get away with using 1/35 decals on a larger 1/24, because the numbers on “131” (obviously not the original ones) are much smaller than what you would normally see on a TIger.
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Rye Field’s kit is a different version to “131”… and its rear end isn’t even the worst of it.
Tamiya’s 35216 is the right overall version for “131” and it even has the decals (Well, most of them). The specified paint scheme (overall brown) is wrong; “131” had a 2-colour scheme. It also had a little step and handle added at the front. I’m not sure if Tamiya give you those parts.
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“Afrika Korp style.”
The Afrikakorps were never given any Tigers. All of the Tigers in Africa belonged to Panzer Army 5.
I might have thought that from some past searches of ideas.
I know. The Tamiya version is overall the closest to “131”; the additions were done post-war and can be easily fashioned. Aside from “131” having a different engine (a Maybach HL230 engine from a King Tiger) the other thing the British MoD added that’s not OE to “131” was a fire suppression system on the engine deck, along with the step and handle.