Tamiya IDF M151A2 TOW, Lebanon 1982/83

I like the overall appearance of it and the finishes.


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@SSGToms @mech
Thank you gentlemen.

Matthew, I had completely forgotten about the sight locking handle until it popped into my head when thinking about setting up of the ground mount and trying to remember how it was secured in place. Of course that was after it was all built and painted…:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m sure that the TOW jeeps were fun… except in cold wet weather….

No worries… I don’t really see much to tweak at this point off of the photos… I’ll probably cause damage instead… :thinking:

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Amazing super smooth paint job on everything.

I really like the dusty appearance…it looks very realistic to being driven through the sands.

Great work!


Thank you Peter. I’m very happy to hear that you like this build. I just don’t think that an IDF vehicle build looks quite right without that final coat of dust. :wink: