Tamiya P-38J Build w/Extra Goodies

My “30-second rule.” If I can’t find the part in 30-seconds, or 40-seconds or… well, it can be flexible at times. When I threaten to reach for the Styrene, often times the part will magically appear. :hammer_and_wrench::mag_right: BTW: a Desktop Vacuum really helps.

Anyway, back to the build. Great attention to detail. Your P-38J already looks absolutely stunning! :star_struck:

Carry on… :hammer_and_wrench:


Thanks; that is such an excellent way of putting it. Skills are transferrable and what matters most is those real life lessons.


Good call on the vacuum. Yeah I’m sure the hub will show up in a few months!


Decals done, glossed up. All that’s left is a panel line wash, light oil streaking, turbocharger exhaust stains, and flat coat the invasion stripes/OD. Feeling good


great work

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Sounds like nearly finished…


Great save!:+1:

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Exhaust staining done, flat coat on invasion stripes. Last thing is antenna and final fiddle bits added.

Did some post shading with the same mix. It looks too subtle in some pics and too intense in others but is balanced well in reality.

Exhaust was thinner and a few drops of red brown with a few drops of black.


Looks great!


DONE. Used some ammo mig rigging line (bought .01, should’ve bought .02), and secured the canopy top. Lots to be proud of and lots of harrowing ebbs and flows throughout this build. Approximately 100 hours of time, which I believe would’ve been 20 hours less if not for repairs as a result of the rivet decals that I didn’t adhere right in the first place.

I think that’s a wrap. Appreciate everyone’s advice throughout. Will also be posting on Instagram as @geekiersteve so feel free to reach out there. One more post after this as I am trying to teach myself focus stacking for better pics.


Well done Steve - glad you saw it through.
I think the antenna looks right - many people use too heavy a line . Always better to err on the small side but I don’t think you did. Remember that these antennas are barely visible in photos, if at all .
Cheers- Richard

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Steve, the P-38J looks fantastic! A++

I’ve enjoyed following the build. Thank you for sharing it.

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Congratulations on a great looking build. :+1::+1:

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Thank you!

Thank you! I appreciate it. Need a little breather now, a Lego set with the kids may be next

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Thank you! Appreciate it.

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Awesome work!

She looks utterly fantastic. All of your efforts have really paid off. Bravo! :clap::clap::clap:

With lots, and lots of rivets, please. :brick::nut_and_bolt:



:grin: :+1:


Haha all the rivets!