Tamiya Panzer III Ausf J, 9th SS Panzer Division, Summer 1943

Hi all. This is one of the “easy” projects I set myself to unwind after the RFM Panzer IV (I’ve since bought their Stug with Interior, I am a glutton for punishment!). SS PzR 9 was issued with a motley collection of old Pz III and Pz IV vehicles during 1943 to train their tank crews. This vehicle is based on a photo from the unit history taken in Southern France in 1943. It looks pretty clean, but at that time the Panzer III late models were still in service although obsolescent. Paint is all Humbrol. Figure will be following…
Track droop was achieved by panel pins set in drilled out holes in the hull. You can’t see it very well in these pictures alas…


Well done :clap:

The straight forward builds always seem to move along well and make a nice change of pace after a demanding project.

What’s the next build?

Not the RFM Stug! I might dig out another Tamiya kit, maybe the Wespe. I quite enjoyed doing the Pz III. like all Tamiya kits, it just fell together. I don’t usually paint my tanks in single colour, but it’s starting to grow on me…

Looks excellent, great finish.