The 9th Crusade - Maschinen krieger & Industria Mechanika

Global religious upheaval created conditions in which religious wars sprouted all over the place. Zealots took it upon themselves to cleanse “their world” from infidels and heretics and thus this Lord Inquisitor Executioner roams the lands, assistent by his Redeemer droid and his personal Enforcer Guard.

It has been a project long in the making (started in 2017) and the basis is a Maschinen Krieger Grosser Hund with the Porpoise figureset from Industria Mecanica, all in 1/20 scale.


This seems like a great starting point! Are you planning to make a diorama?

I’m curious where you are gonna go with this

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Well… this is where I am going with this:

The Enforcer Guard will be OOTB. He has 2 left feet btw. Only gripe about this set. Otherwise you can put them up without glue. What you see is unglued!

The Lord Inquisitor Excecutioner has some minor alterations; deeper hood, bigger magazine, made of 1/35 German landmines…

Grosser Hund is pretty much OOTB too.


And yes, there will be a diorama. At first I was thinking about the GH climbing over barricades, but that grew really big, really fast. So now a more modest base; a street section, a roadblock and the GH pushing a 6G-mast/ speakersystem on a damaged pole out of the way, whilst scanning the area, hovering over the EG and the LIE.

Did not like the colours, so they were changed.

The 6G mast/speakersystem is scratchbuilt with a balloon straw, 3 german mines and 3 dispensers for bookmarkstrips. Topped off by a piece of a pen.


Those figures look great and even better that no glue is required! Love the scratch build speaker system!

Definitely gonna keep an eye on this and see what you do!


The Lord Inquisitor Excecutioner is basically done. The final weathering will be done with the base in place.
The markings are very old Andrea rub downs. Their first set, I believe and must be at least 20 years old.


The Enforcer Guard is done as well. I went for blues and grey this time with olivs for military grade equipment. He got a similar marking, but in red. Unfortunately the tips would not release from the film, so they are missing.