The Final Basement | Armorama™

The Final Basement fighting for their lives in makeshift underground bunkers and embedded turrets civilians and soldiers together a stunning diorama from Modelling friend Bear Wu

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at

I get it that the soldiers are under ground level in the “basement” but the builder tagged the diorama name as ‘Final Base’ not Final Basement. Small, but I feel reasonable criticism as I think I’d be upset if a diorama of mine were renamed in the published title.
All in all, a pretty nice diorama . Not quite sure what the guy swinging the big stick at the edge of the dio is doing or the guy inside the building holding his rifle in such an awkward manner.


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I like the idea… Weathering is well done, lot of action…

The guys in the basement seem pretty clam with a battle raging over their heads. I do like the guy in basement next to the bathroom door, look at his watch thinking “Ack der lieber, I need to go!”

I think it’s fun. Well executed. Maybe a bit movie-ish. My main question is why is there a guy charging with what looks like a big stick?

“speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”. As in this case he’s using his big stick.