If you have seen the game then you now have the option to collect the figures from Squid Game and the release of O in 1/16th scale from ICM.
This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://modelgeek.com/news/the-game-o
If you have seen the game then you now have the option to collect the figures from Squid Game and the release of O in 1/16th scale from ICM.
I think that this figure has potential, especially with 3D printed parts to arm it.
As I’ve mentioned in another post on this figure, it can be light police tactical officer, Arctic soldier (with 3D printed rifle), a fictitious hockey player or baseball catcher with mask, a bad guy in ski mask (note the head without the O mask), a mechanic in hooded overalls, a video game character (add 3D parts), a sentry, a cyborg, a robot, a soldier standing at attention in light fictional BDUs, a gamer with VR mask, etc. The possibilities are endless.
I prefer the MP5 figure over this one.