The Legend of Princess Shi-tu Yung

Princess Shi-tu Yung was the only child of the father Emperor Hee-no Yung. At only 15 years of age, in the eightieth year of her father’s reign, she led his armies against an invasion of Ghouls, and defeated them in the Battle of the Valley of Bones:

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:smiley: :canada:


Scratchbuild or a kit?

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It sure is unique.

Is this a 3-D printed or resin kit? I know that China’s online shops sell a lot of resin creations that you won’t find anywhere else.

You did excellent painting on the metallics. What brand paint did you use?

:grin: The concept was scratch-built - The figures are 3D printed. The mounted rider from one shop, and the “ghoulie” from another. Both are 1/35 ~ 50 mm, and both come from China. The rest is my twisted imagination! :crazy_face: :scream: The “rocks” are chunks of tree bark. The rest is the usual combination of Celluclay, kitty-litter, and commercial scenic supplies. Oh, yeah…and the skulls, etc. are another printed item from China, from the same source as the many skulls and bones I put in my previous Conan/Red Sonya dio. Paints are all Citadel and/or Vallejo - they are very compatible.
:smiley: :canada:

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Likes: Concept, composition, colours… And the skill with which it has been executed.
Dislikes: “Mr Blobby” the lizard…
Comments: Absolutely love it! Sometimes figures not intended to be used together, often from different manufacturers, provide inspiration for something special. This appears to be frequent with Sci-Fi and Fantasy subjects, where differences in scale can actually be used to advantage.



I’ve never attempted a figure composition like this but have often wanted to. The whole display is very nicely done, especially the princesses face, umm the lizard might appreciate a make-over though, respectfully. This is inspiring, do you have other figure depictions of this nature?

Cajun :crocodile:

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“Mr. Blobby” was supposed to have markings like this:

a natural camouflage. Didn’t turn out the way I expected. :disappointed:
:smiley: :canada:

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“This is inspiring, do you have other figure depictions of this nature?”
I have several other sci-fi/fantasy figures (mostly scantily-clad females :crazy_face:) waiting for suitable dio ideas, or as just stand-alone’s.
:smiley: :canada: