The only way to watch Das Boot

If you going to watch Das boot you have to do it right!

-Find a room

-Rip out the carpet place creaky metal everywhere

-cover all the windows

-enforce a no sunlight period and light everything with a single red bulb

-Rip out all the wiring and pipes and expose them, then be sure to hit your shins on said pipes every 15 min

-buy a old child size bunk bed, rip out the bottom bunk
(So you hit your head when you sleep under it.) and sleep in the 2x4 top bunk

-Sleep 4 hours every night

-Invite over 50 random sweaty men then have them stay

-Raise a public colony of lice

-Pay a German man to scream “Alarm” then everyone has to run around each other to get to battle stations

-Learn by heart:
Na Maenner, alles klar?
Es wird klappen, Herr Kaleun!
Tiefe, LI!
Vorne unten zehn, hinten oben fumfzehn…
Wir hamn ihn, wir hamn ihn! Schht… Leise!
Boot ist nicht zu halten!

-Hang German dry sausages from the ceiling

-Grab a pipe then connect it to the exhaust of your vehicle, then fill the room with carbon monoxide and fumes for 5 hours a day

-Drink lots of U-Boot Spezialcocktail, Kondensmilch with Lemmonjuice

-Vomit in the corner let it sit your entire “journey”

-Piss in the now empty schnapps bottles

-Shit in buckets

-have German marching music playing in the background at all times

-Where the same clothes

-Dont even think about shaving

-Defiantly no showers

-Eat 1 mean a day

-Go to your local lake/ocean (add salt) and dump 40 gallons of sea water on your floor

-Eat nothing but moldy bread and sausage

-Every 3 hours simulate a destroyer attack by throwing yourself into every metal surface you have
(if you break any bones your doing it right)

-Pay someone to throw lit firecrackers at random intervals

Do this for 3 weeks. At the end of the 3 weeks watch Das boot.
It completes the experience! :grin:



no doubt about this expereience, appreciate your effort to watch the best U-Boot Movie ever. When you are in Munich pay a visit to the Bavaria Film Studios where that u-Boot replica is presented, than you understand more why this became such a great movie - Greetings from Berlin Germany.

kind regards



Oh mein Gott! of the best movie ever,not only as a war movie but in general,how was made its mind blowing,also the series is not bad


you forgot to mention not shaving for that entire time either :grinning:

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Nor taking a shower…except while on bridge watch in stormy weather

Ezra, If I’m allowed to make another suggestion then:

Learn by heart:
Na Maenner, alles klar?
Es wird klappen, Herr Kaleun!
Tiefe, LI!
Vorne unten zehn, hinten oben fumfzehn…
Wir hamn ihn, wir hamn ihn! Schht… Leise!
Boot ist nicht zu halten!

And tell them each time you hear them.

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For the drinks U-Boot Spezialcocktail, Kondensmilch with Lemmonjuice.

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Ill get on with making all the necessary corrections. :wink:

I don’t know whether you can watch this BEHIND THE SCENE Dokumentation from outside Europe: - YouTube



The link you posted seemingly is not available on Youtube.
Is it about the original movie or the new series?

There is an excellent behind the scenes to the original movie here:

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