Why does the color of the F13 varry so much between interpretation? sometimes, it’s full white like the F02, then red with white outline, yellow or even green, and I wonder your opinion about that as I remember someone stating that a testimony give it the color red
Thanks for your answer!
This is the best info I’ve seen on a F13 build. Night Shift - Tiger F13
here’s the testimony on the F13 color, I do agree with nighshift on the color scheme, although for the running gear and gun, it’s speculative, same with zimmerit on the gun mantlet and the other side of the tank(+part of the zimmerit of the hull could’ve come off due to the fight the tank was in or time) Fehrmann Tiger F13 colour debate - Missing-Lynx
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@sgeorges4 Aurelien, thanks for sharing that link it’s a good read. Whenever I get around to doing F13 or one of the other Tiger’s in that group definitely will kept this in mind and favor Fred Hawkins comments on color.