Tiger in a Hole

Way back in times long passed my very first 1/35 scale tank was the old Tamiya Tiger I, I was like 12 I think. Anywho…I stumbled across a rather kool painting of a disabled Tiger in a cemetery thought it was time to revisit the ol’ Tiger I. And now a few years later I figured why not just get that idea rolling…so here we go…

Here is the inspiring painting. Obviously the artist didn’t really know his tigers very well.

After much soul searching I landed on the RFM Mid-Production Tiger I with full interior.

This will be a diorama from the ground up therefore the first thing was to come up with a working Idea of how I wanted it to look. . I got 5000+ hours in Power-Point from my Air Force dayz so I put them skills to work.

Of course that plan is subject to change without notice. Next was to build a mock-up of the scene. I broke out the kit and accumulated aftermarket goodies, some foam and the foam cutter and set off to see how it would turn out.

I ended up with three options. Option A is according to the plan…

Option B. (Kinda of leaning toward this one for the moment)

Option C

I’ll consider these options for the next week and then start shaping the ground once I pick which one I’ll go with.
Thanks For Stopping By…ASig00


Very interesting project!

Very sweet work bench.