“Baker”, a M4A1(76)W of an unidentified unit, pauses as P.O.W.s are separated from civilian refuges in northern Germany, Spring 1945.
Italeri Sherman and small building, Verlinden large building, unknown car kit, Dragon, Tamiya and Custom Dioramics figures. Microscope cover slide windows, scratch-built cart remains, roof pieces and various small details.
Such wonderful colors and tones you’ve got in this piece. The brickwork, debris, cobbles and concrete are very finely painted. The way you have posed the scene is thoughtful too, with the tank edging past the crushed car and coming across the Germans and the man with the old clock. The posing helps tell the story well. Top class work on the figures and the Sherman too- fantastic weathering on it.
Thank you everyone very much for the comments! I took a few more shots with different lighting, it’s interesting how changes in light intensity and type can dramatically change the colors and textures of the paint work.
Your bldg interior is perfect. Really sense the intense heat, and just enough interior goodies for visual interest. The old stove catches the eye, and even the upstairs wall foto.