Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to “merge” the topics that I published before the site changed into a single user, since I see that I have two different users, with similar names, but I cannot access the old one because I cannot remember the access data, and in this way have all my content published in the current user that I see daily.
Thanks in advance and greetings
By “old forum” I assume you mean the original sites? No that is not technically possible. If you had 2 user accounts on this forum it is though.
Hi, staff:Jim,
Thank you very much for the quick reply.
From what you tell me, it seems that it is possible to do so.
I am able to see the two “blocks” of published topics, some older ones from up to 4 years ago, and the most recent ones.
My current user is “Francis GL” and the oldest one is “francisgl”, although it is the same person.
I can see all the topics without problem, but I have tried to see how I could bring the “old” topics to my current user, and I don’t see the way, either I miss it or it is an administrator’s power to make the change.
It would be great to have everything posted in my current user, and delete the old one, so that there are no unnecessary duplications.
Thanks and greetings.