
OK, this is a bit radical, but…
If you really feel that you have to change things, then remove the jeep/trailer completely. They look great, and would work in another diorama just fine. Now you have plenty of room to position your “tourists”. If you really feel that you need to show their transport, you could add just a jeep, or part of a jeep, in front of the tank; but honestly, I don’t think you need it. You can tell the story with just figures, and I like the idea of a soldier with a camera. You could even do a B/W photo from the POV of the camera man and use that photo as your “inspiration”.
My 2 Pesos, Ken

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Thank you!


I use that term at work. A few former military get it.


Thanks for the railroad link. My next project… :grinning:


165thspc, Don’t retire from the hobby!
I can’t take credit for the stowage. Check out the Value Gear website…

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REMFs and POOG’s all the same for me.
The in the rear with the gear types are a necessary evil. They make your E4 mafia look good :joy: the Sham on squad


Ralph you had me with that, and you didn’t disappoint. I like it all and particularly the figures…and the building…and, and. The only thing I’d dare to suggest is more general detritus on the road/foreground & some track marks on the cobbles from the reversing Tiger to reinforce the narrative it went backwards. Bravo :trophy:


Would you say that logistics troops are REMFS?
The others may use practice rounds when they practice for war but
I had to deliver real food, real fuel and real supplies.
Practice ammo weighs almost the same as real ammo …
:wink: :grin:

Edit: My assignment was as Company quartermaster for a 120 mm mortar company.
Providing breakfast for 120 - 150 people early in the morning when it is below -30 centigrade ( -22 F and colder) outside requires some work …


I’m afraid on behalf of REMFs everywhere I must protest!

To all the trained hardened killers out there who provides your ammo? Your food? Your clothing, your replacement boots? Your inoculations? Your spares? Your mail even? Who coordinates the R & R flights? Who informs your NOK that bits of you are left on the battlefield? Who mans the Mobile Bath & Laundry Unit?

And from my own perspective, who types the orders that got you involved in a firefight in the first place? Thinking about it - let’s move on from that(!)

Finally, as my Brigadier in Bosnia informed me, the term REMF was then outdated. I knew this officer from old, we were the same age and got on very well; he had a great sense of humour.

We had adjoining offices in the Banja Luka Metal Factory and one evening he burst in proclaiming “Hah! Stoddart! You’re not a REMF anymore! You’re not even a PONTI (Person Of No Tactical Importance)!”

Wearily I said, “OK Brigadier, what am I then?”

Unable to curb his laughter he replied,

“You’re the LIMIT! Least Important Man In Theatre!”

So now you know.


Totally not a REMF because you do that 365 and even in combat.
REMFs never go to the boom boom areas until the birds are chirping and flowers blooming


I dunno about that; I was frightened in Northern Ireland and worried in Iraq.

My son (not a REMF and minus a leg) thinks that should be the title of my memoirs(!)



So…you are the guy who gets to pull off his gas mask to test if the air is finally safe to breath…

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REMF were the ones who were always clean, dry and warm.

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With pressed uniform and spit shined boots.

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This could be a very unique opportunity.
Being able to look at a model and say: Wow! Nice rack!

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Lebanon 1, intafada 1, jenin, 2 suicide bombings one in Lebanon one in Israel
As a PMC in Iraq and Afghanistan setting up comms ( internet phone and TV ) and being unarmed was the only real time of Uber butt pucker put a rifle in my hands and no pucker effect…


No, we call those Lieutenants!


If moving the jeep and trailer is not an option just fill the space with some debris. If not debris maybe dog or cat sitting or walking by. Doesn’t have to be much what ever it is.


Sorry gents, but unless you were one of the guys who slept in the dirt, carried everything you needed to survive in the rucksack on your back, ate cold C-rations (much. much worse than MREs) and carried a loaded rifle everywhere you went, you were a REMF (other ‘combat arms’ excepted – to some extent.)

Infantrymen, those of us at the pointy end of the spear, appreciated the beans and bullets provided by those of you who made up the spear’s shaft. We even acknowledged the need for the Finance pukes who provided us with our measly salaries.

But as the ‘lowest form of human life’, we GRUNTS considered ourselves a breed apart. It has been that way since the Roman Legions, and will remain so, for all time…

Old school (my war was long ago.)
Infantry, Airborne, Mech and straight-leg.