Trolleys, Interurbans, Traction, Motorcars & MOW

Just tossing this in as a possible new Railroading topic:

Planned for coverage of any/all overhead wire, third rail and/or self-powered motorcars; be it Trolleys, Interurban, Traction, Subway, Motorcars or Maintenance of Way Equipment.

This is to include any and all Scale Models, Photos of Real Equipment and Artworks.

p.s. And now I am throwing in Maintenance of Way equipment as well!

All Opinions and Submissions here are very Welcome!


First off I will post a Sperry Rail Dynamics Test Car. Seen many years ago on the Southern Railway, South Broadway Station, Lexington, KY

Mike Koenig photo

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Some Trolley and Traction models that I have had the good fortune to have had pass through my hands while volunteering at the local “All Trains” hobbyshop:

A very nice Lionel #520 Boxcab Locomotive:

Several early Lionel sets:

Some traction models in O scale 2-rail:

Freight Motor:

Modified Trolley/Mail Car

A BEAUTIFUL all brass Interurban in O scale!

All photos courtesy of L&N Trains / Berkshire Trains & Classic Toys

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Even a very nicely done trolley car in G scale!


The always popular “Galloping Geese” #5 and #6; this time in G scale:

All photos above courtesy of Berkshire Trains & Classic Toys

Rio Grande Southern “Work Goose” #6

R. Ford Collection

RGS “Goose” #3

R. Ford Collection

RGS “Goose” #4

R. Ford Collection


A recently found unpublished photograph of Motorcar #2 on the Frankfort & Cincinnati Railroad (Kentucky)

From the Berkshire Trains Collection


Boston & Maine Motorcar and Trailer near Clinton, Mass.

Unpublished photo from the R. Ford Collection

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Some serious super heavy traction in HO brass:

All photos courtesy of Berkshire Trains & Classic Toys

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American Flyer 1925 Catalog Cover:


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Rio Grande Southern, Snowplow & Flanger #02:

R. Ford Collection

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Some Budd cars in G Scale:

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Hi Mike
Well, I guess this qualifies – three MiniArt European trams converted to pre-WW2 Prague versions, two trams & a trailer. Build process can be found in Dioramas/Operation Anthropoid…if you dare/care.

Given the very specialised nature of the subject matter, and the fairly complex nature of the original MiniArt kits, it’s not that surprising that (someone correct me if I’m wrong) this has been their only appearance in this forum to date – alas.


Tim your work most certainly qualifies. I had hopes that you might joint in!

Penn Central Snowplow seen in upstate Ohio. (my photo)

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Southern Railway - clearing a wreck - South Broadway Yards - Lexington, Kentucky. (my photo)


@Harv @JPTRR @HermannB @18bravo @G-man69 @phil2015 @165thspc @Stickframe @Uncle-Heavy @HeavyArty
(can only mention 10 users in a post)

All of us showing up to happy hour to keep the Loco Loco rollin’ :grin:



:grin: ^ @metalhead85 @MoramarthT @barkingdigger @Buckeye @justsendit @Tank_1812 @SSGToms @Dioramartin

(can only mention 10 users in a post)


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Very interesting video of all of us with firecrackers and M80’s :grin:

Newton wins again.

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