Trouble uploading pics

Hi all . I am having trouble up loading pics in my build log.
All was working fine before. When selecting a photo from my photo library it gets stuck in the “ processing upload “ with the symbol spinning round and that is as far as it gets . I have also noticed when initially viewing a post the page scrolls up and down several times before settling down.
I just ran a test on another site and no problems there- photos load fine . Using my iPad for all.
Any ideas ?

Is it possible your iPad needs its history deleted? Mine gets cranky and refuses to load sites etc from time to time and dumping the history has always fixed it. Truth be told, I much prefer using my desktop computer (also Mac) for anything to do with posting pictures. Seems easier to me. What I do is get the pictures onto my desktop. Then I use the upload icon (7th from the left at the toolbar for this text window. I looks like a landscape picture).

Thanks barnslayer - I have just installed update and ran a test - seems to have fixed the problems.

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My iPad had been bugging me to update but it’s kinda old and I have a feeling the update will transform it into an expensive cutting board.

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I try to avoid updates because in the past it always seemed worse afterwards and I think they are also a vehicle for spyware. However this time it seems to have fixed things . Going to update my post now so we’ll see.

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