Trumpeter CH-47C in 1/35

Thanks for taking the time to post that. Indeed they might be useful in the future. What I did not mention is that the particular chopper I’m modeling is destroyed, and has been robbed of a lot of its parts, including instrumentation.

I might even have fun with the center console:

That looks like really nice stuff there. My only concern is PDP faces are still designed for the inaccurate Trumpeter pieces. I’m going to fab them up based off of my measurements, and since I’ll need at least three sets I may make molds of them. I’ll probably have to settle for ridiculously thin strips of white decal film for the panel faces.

In the meantime, I did a bit of surgery tonight. I’m pleased with how the scribed panel lines came out. I tiny bit of liquid cement will even them out nicely. The louvers look the part as well.

I should probably point out that the louver arrangement provided in both kits is correct for neither. What I’ve done below will be necessary for the A model as well.