Type1 Ho-Ni (first time!)

Thanks y’all, I appreciate it. Always found Japanese camo interesting. When I do one of the Chi-Has I have in the queue I think I’ll switch it up and try the “yellow stripe” pattern. It’s been a fun project so far and I’ve been taking notes for the next one


I like. Nice job. Now I want one of these models. The kit manufacturer should send you a royalty :slight_smile:


If Tamiya sent me a royalty, I’d gladly accept and probably pass out. And if you’re thinking about it, I would recommend it. Everything goes together well. There were a few gaps here and there, but this is the oldest of the 3 I have. Here’s the box art, this one is the one that’s by itself.




Been a while since I posted and I’ll be out of town for a while. I got some decals on the Ho-Ni and sprayed with Floor Shine that SSGToms recommended. Until I have more pics, I’ll share these of some other kits that got some attention.

First is the Ka-Tsu amphibious vehicle. This has been a fun little one. Going with the plain green scheme. Used the Vallejo green the instructions recommended, feels a bit too bright but it is what it is.

Next is the 1/72 O-I super heavy tank. This one I had done a while back and used tamiya sprays and that dreadful AK camo putty, and I was not happy with it. Have it a repaint and put decals on, but didn’t get pictures of that.

Lastly is the FineMolds Kurogane that came with one of the Ho-Nis. Just a fun little car. Didn’t realize that they are incredibly rare to find nowadays.

Group pic! While the Ho-Ni is currently project number 1, I still bounce around the others. Right now with the Ho-Ni I need to play around with the oil paint-to-Mona Lisa thinner ratio, and practice more with applying the pin washes. Will update when I have more progress


Cool stuff! I like that set with the staffcar. Never seen it before.


These are looking outstanding Brock! Your camouflage looks great. I think the neon green on the Ka-Tsu is a bit bright, though, especially for a base color. You can almost never trust a kit or paint company’s color call outs. Keep up the excellent work!

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It’s a neat vehicle. Dug into the history of the kurogane a little and it seems to have been the first “off-road” vehicle of its kind

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Indeed, learned that lesson. It suggested Vallejo Lime Green, definitely too bright. Any suggestions on a way to dim it down if possible? The torpedoes and whatnot are already glued so airbrushing could be tricky. Maybe a wash?

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If you can’t airbrush it again, try a few Sap Green washes followed by some Burnt Umber washes.

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I’ll have to look up Sap Green, I haven’t heard of that before. Time to research.

Also in case anyone is curious, here’s the Ka-Tsu on scalemates. The one I have is 1/72 (and seems large for that scale), but looks like dragon makes a 1/35. Adding that one to the “to buy” list.

Been a few weeks since an update, so here’s a short post. Decals are on and the model is coated with quick shine floor finish. Played with oil wash a little bit, didn’t have much success, think I need a darker oil paint, or maybe it’s just not showing great with the colors. Also used some panel liner on some places.

Began playing around with AK pigments and mud from Vallejo environment effects. Definitely went a little too heavy on the pigment, but it’s a learning experience. Also worked on treads.

Cut my hand today and will be out of commission for a bit, but excited to keep the ball rolling on this


Also, any advice for how to approach the headlight? Didn’t have any “glass” parts to put on for a lens or anything

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I use a hole puncher and clear plastic sheet and make my own.


Yep, I have the same tool. 1001 uses. Available at any craft store.


Well fellow modelers, you know what they say. Better late than never!

I am officially calling this guy done (if there’s any such things). Being new to models still and my first model 1/35 one, I learned a lot from this both good and bad. Many thanks to all you who answered various questions I had in both this thread and others. I plan on entering this in Winterblitz in college station, Texas in January for the heck of it.

One last thing, for the headlight I ended up using Vallejo still water effects to go for a bulb effect. It kinda worked, but there’s some teeny air bubbles in it. Pics below

Now to decide what to build next!


Brock for a first model that turned out really great! Nice solid build, excellent camouflage, and good touch of mud on the road wheels. You did a fantastic job.

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Thank you sir. Got a crash course in mud and pigment application, especially the pigments. Learned a little goes a long way.