Hi all
I’m currently building Hobby Boss CV90 40C and I intend to depict it as deployed to Liberia within the Swedish contingent. From the pictures I found on the internet I can’t tell if the running gear was painted white or remained plain green.
Does anyone has a clear picture to confirm the color I should apply?
Bear in mind, the wet conditions and the mud in Africa, it covers everything very very fast in a wet season and once dry, stays hard and takes a lot to clean. Crews would not be overly concerned about white running gear staying dirty as it would be so time consuming to clean completely and they may not even have the gear to clean it all anyway … Main effort would be keeping the hull and turret white and the UN livery visible.
I would go white, but very dirty and only highlights showing through.
Thanks for the inputs.
Indeed the sprockets show a lighter shade. The wheels usually have the rims bare metal. So this could be the same with the UN vehicles.
I’m still undecided about the color.
I know when & how much work is required cleaning the running gear for preventative maintenance being a tankie - What I am saying is that in those conditions and that type of mud/soil (from experience in the wet season out there) once it gets wet and over the wheels / arms etc, no matter how much you clean it, there will always be dirt residue underneath which just thinly layers up over time hiding the colour until all you see is a dirty colour. And my general point was that in those conditions, crews will leave a lot of the crud on there, and only clean away areas that need it - wheels and running gear usually clear themselves of the majority of the crap with normal use and running … and then the thin layer underneath stays and drys — then its a repeat on the next day or Op cycle …While out in Bos (different mud and soil), we would try and clean our wagons at least every 3 or 4 days but they still remained filthy … by tours end, they all jusy looked a dirty dusty brown.
Nice images HP … they are looking dirty green in the majority for sure, but in many the sprocket has definitely been painted white which has then worn away, which seems odd … and that initial pic I did in the workshop, those wheels have had the inner face done in white — I’m now undecided lol …
Thanks again for the inputs. From the various pictures my guess is the running gear has been painted white first then during maintenance operations some green wheels have been fitted. Most of the sprockets look dirty white. Many wheels hubs seem to be white.
So I think a mix of white sprockets, green wheels and white hubs should be a close to the truth choice.