A new figure from DEF Model depicts US Army soldier from Gulf War.
This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://armorama.com/news/us-army-gulf-war-1991
A new figure from DEF Model depicts US Army soldier from Gulf War.
I really like this figure. He would look great leaning against an M35, M923, or something similar. He could actually be any Desert Storm soldier at rest. Nothing specifically makes him a truck driver.
Yep…could be an of us Army Types at rest in '90-'91.
Nailed the DCU bottoms/OD shirt look. Even got the jungle boots.
Had to melt a MRE bag over the air holes to keep the sand out, lol.
How different from a Marine’s uniform during Desert Storm is this guy’s outfit?
Funny that this figure is now presented as a new release, I’ve had one for over a month now.
Not at all. USMC and Army wore the same uniforms and gear.
Thanks! Then I can safely lean him against my USMC Humvee.
He could actually be any US Marine/Soldier/Airman from the mid '80s up through the early 2000s depending on whether he has woodland, 6-color desert, or 3-tone desert camo applied to his BDU pants; sand, green, or brown t-shirt; and either green, black, or desert tan boots to go with them. The basic uniform was the same throughout.